Hidden Agenda

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A businessman ran through the halls in a hurry. "Hold the doors!" He called out to the people in the vertical train. They did, and he managed to slip inside just before the doors closed. The man bent over in exhaustion, "Thanks, I thought I was gonna miss my train...." He trailed off when he looked up.

Standing around him was Jokerz. The businessman gasped in fear. "Hey Terminal, the guy says we're in his train." Trey, a jokerz dressed in orange said. He shoved the businessman into the train's door.

The leader of this particular gang walked forward. He wore a straightjacket looking costume, a long black hair wig, along with black and white zombie face paint. "You really should label the things you own. I do," Terminal smiled as he gestured for Trey to hand him a spray can. The jokerz all laughed as Terminal sprayed red paint on the poor businessman's suit.

They harassed the man even further by throwing him in all different directions around the train. "I-I don't think you should be doing this." the man stumbled. The female joker stuck out her tongue and slapped a flower sticker on the shaking man.

"Please stop. Please, I beg you," the business man pleaded desperately. Terminal looked down on the man, "What do you say, crew? Since he asked so nicely." He pulled out a cartoon boxing glove gun and shot it at the emergency stop button, which halted the train from further movement.

The businessman, who had curled into himself, looked around hesitantly. Terminal crouched down to the man's level, "You're not laughing. He's not laughing." Maybe we should share a few smiles just to encourage him.

Terminal snapped his fingers as a signal for Trey to open a canister that released numerous vicious razor-sharp gag teeth. "Well, crew, we've brightened the life of just one more bored citizen. Our work here is done," Terminal stated, watching joyfully as the businessman cower from the teeth.

The jokerz got to work and pried opened the train's doors. Once it was wide open, the female jokerz fired a grappling hook that latched to a building across from them. "Keep smiling," Terminal told the businessman before jumping out the train.

Once he made it safely to the ground, Terminal pulled out a dagger and cut the line, leaving no escape for the businessman.

Meanwhile, back inside the train, the businessman was struggling to maintain distance between him and the sharp chattering teeth. He dove over to the open door but stayed stuck there. He gulped as he looked down at the view. Just as a pair of teeth were about to bite him, a batarang flew in and crushed it to pieces.

Batman and Nightwing appeared on the train and destroyed many sets of teeth. Hearing the man's scream, Nightwing turned around just in time to see him disappear from view. "Slag it," she cursed and dove out of the train.

She caught the man and flew him to a nearby building. Batman joined them shortly after. "Jokerz," Batman growled as they helped the weary man.

The jokerz, who had watched the event that had just transpired, started to walk away. "So, Terminal. Where to next?" Trey asked.

"Later. I'm crashing." Was Terminals' response.

Instead of just accepting the answer, Trey sassed back, "What's the matter, fearless leader? Need your beauty sleep?"

Bad idea.

Terminal stopped walking, turned abruptly, and got in Trey's face. He smiled menacingly, and Trey, thinking it was all some big joke, smiled back. It was not some joke. Grabbing the front of Trey's shirt, Terminal dangled over the edge of the building. "Don't make fun of me," Terminal warned. Trey hurriedly apologizes, but Terminal still dropped him.

It was by sheer luck that there were a few metal bars for Trey to grab before he fell to his demise. The other Jokerz are taken aback by the cold-blooded display from their leader as they watch Terminal walk away.

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