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If there was one thing Terry loved about his girlfriend, it was that despite her privilege and money, Eliana was a very humble person. She didn’t flaunt how rich she was with over the top parties or clothes or presents.

So as Terry watched Jared’s birthday present get revealed to be the latest and very expensive car, he took a moment to appreciate his girlfriend's character. That wasn’t to say he thought Jared or his family were bad just… flamboyant with their wealth.

“It’s amazing how many friends you can buy with a rich stepfather,” Max remarked dryly, as she, Dana, Tery, and Eliana watched as people gathered Jared and his new present. “Is it possible we’re just a teeny bit jealous?” Terry teased. Max smirked, “Maybe.” Terry wanted to tease the girl further but was pulled away by Eliana to dance.

From across the room, Lorraine Tate turned to her husband Jim after seeing her son's happy reaction. “You sure don’t do anything halfway. Big Jim.” Her new husband had been spoiling Jared and her since he entered their life.

Jim laughed,“Ha! There’s no reason the Tate family shouldn’t have the best, and as long as I’m around, that’s what it's going to have!”


“Laid off!?”

When Jim entered Wayne-Powers for work the next morning, he was not prepared to be notified that he had been let go as an employee. “Paxton powers wants to move the light weapons division into new areas,” Nancy, Paxton’s secretary, told Jim.

“You mean he wants to dump me to hire someone else at a lower salary?” Jim countered. “I won’t dignify that with an answer. Due to recent market reversals, your severance package, alas, will be modest,” Nancy informed. As if Jim didn’t feel like he was getting burned enough.

Jim clenched his fists and slammed them down on the desk, “I built that division up from nothing! I was in the special forces, I’ve got degrees in electronics and engineering. They’ll have to hire two people to replace me!” “Take it easy, Jim,” Nancy said calmly.

Jim took a deep breath, releasing his anger. “Look, Nancy, I just got married. I’m remodeling the house. I’ve got alimony. Things are tight. I started out as my assistant, put in a word for me, let me outsource as a consultant until I can find something,” he pleaded. Nancy pitied that man before but, “There’s nothing I can do.” And unfortunately for Jim, it wouldn’t be the last time he’d hear that response.


Despite the news of his layoff hitting him hard, Jim refused to let his family worry. He was calm and collected and, most importantly, optimistic. “But the electrical contractor comes tomorrow, and I’ve got to get a check to Mr. Sweem for the new drapes,” Lorraine panicked. “What can I do to help, Dad?” Jared asked.

“Hey, everyone, stop, right now. You’re looking at the best weapons designer around. Other companies are already bidding for me. This layoff is a huge blessing.” Jim walked around the couch to hug his family from behind. “Now, let's stop all this panic and go out to dinner. Jared’s buying!”

Finding a new job did not come as easy to Jim as he believed. He received either two answers at every company he applied to: “We’re cutting back on the military” or “There is a project, but it will be over a year's wait.” Jim did not have the luxury of time. He needed a job to keep up his family’s lifestyle.

His last attempt came in the form of Istivan Hegedesh, an old acquaintance at the company Force Tech. They met at a cafe to chat. “What can I say, Jim? These cutbacks affect everyone. Force Tech can’t afford to bring you on board,” Istivan said before blowing on his coffee. “Force Tech has a short memory, Istivan. I’ve helped you guys out before under the table,” Jim reminded.

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