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Willie Watts found himself hanging outside the school when it was over. He took a minute to look around and appreciate the view when he noticed one of the school's most popular girls, Blade Sommers. He watched her in a dreamy state; everything about her was amazing.

With her slim hourglass figure accompanied by a beautiful face and gorgeous white hair, Blade Sommers was every boy's dream. He knew they couldn't be together; he was Wille Watts, a shy, scrawny kid known for being the school's loser/nerd. But he decided to take his chances anyway, Willie ran after the retreating girl.

"Hi Blade," Wille greeted breathlessly as they walked down some steps. "Billy something, right?" Blade asked, barely giving him a glance. "Willie, Willie Watt. I'm in your robotics class," Wille corrected. "Uh, biogenic interfacing, I'll never get it." Blade responded, shaking her head.

Taking a chance, Willie responded, "Maybe I can help, well, like tutor you or something," he stumbled. Blade faced him and gave him a humorous look, "Tutor me?" Wille was about to respond but was cut off by a red sports car screeching its way towards them.

The car stopped, and Nelson Nash got out. "Hey Blade, schway outfit, it'll go great with my car. Don't you think?" Nelson said, elbowing Wille out of the way as he went next to Blade. "It might," Blade said coyly. "Blade, about that tutoring thing," Wille called out to get her attention. "Tutoring? Does this mean you're gonna start doing homework now, too?" Nelson frowned at Blade. "I never said that," Blade shook her head.

"Good, then let's go for a ride." Nelson said, moving to his car. "Right now? Just like that?" Blade responded incredulously. "I'm a spare of the moment, guy," Nelson threw her a smirk. Blade stuck up her head in defense, "Well I like a little warning," she said, walking away. Nelson moved Wille to the side again, "Okay, how about Saturday, the dance at the pier?" Nelson offered.

Blade stopped for a moment to look over her shoulder, "I'll think about it, but I might have other commitments," she said, then continued to walk. "How about a ride home?" Nelson offered. Willie became annoyed, "She said she didn't want a ride." "She wasn't talking to you, twit." Nelson said, shoving Willie back into his car. Nelson gasped as he saw a part of Willie's sleeve rip. "Now look what you did. You almost scratched it," Nelson said as he lifted Willie by his shirt.

He was about to punch him before a voice pulled him out, "Lay off em Nash, don't you have anything better to do?" Nelson turned to see Terry Mcginnis at the top of the stairs with Eliana Grayson beside him. "You think I'm afraid of you, McGinnis?" Nelson commented, giving Terry his full attention. "I don't know, are you?" Terry challenged. After a brief pause, Nelson dropped Willie and moved to get into his car. "He's not worth it, but you are Mcginnis. Someday." Nelson sneered before racing away in his car.

Eliana rushed over to Willie and helped him to his feet, "Are you okay, Willie?" She asked worriedly. "I'm okay, thanks," he answered curtly as he began to walk away. Eliana watched him go with concern. "I'm worried about Willie," Eliana told Terry. "He'll be fine, though he should think twice before trying to ask out someone like Blade. I hate to say it, but he won't be in her league, you know Blade," Terry shrugged.

Eliana wanted to protest, but she knew Terry was right. Blade was a stereotypical popular girl who only hung out around the cool kids. She would take no interest in someone like Willie. "I do, but I'm not sure if Willie does. You know what they say 'the heart wants what the heart wants', and the heart will make people do crazy things," Eliana said, shaking her head. "Anyway, let's get going. Do you want to come over to Wayne Manor and do some homework together?" Eliana asked as they began to walk. Terry's face twisted up in displeasure, "Homework?" He thought they would do some training.

"Yeah..homework, you know that thing teachers give us so we can complete and submit. Don't over think about this new concept, Terry. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself," Eliana teased before running off. "Oh hey! Oh no, you're not getting away that easily, Ellie!" Terry laughed as he ran after her.

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