Lost Soul

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Breaking news: "Tragedy in the world of technology today with the passing of Robert Vance; a pioneer of digital technology, Vance had recently been suffering from a debilitating brain disorder. Releasing there was no cure, Vance spent his final days creating a whole new computer program. By digitizing his brain impulses, it was Vance's dream to guide his company beyond the grave."

Thirty-five years later...

At Vance Corporation, a young man entered Vance Enterprises and re-booted Vance's program. The giant black screen lit up with the ghostly looking face of Rober Vance. "Who are you? I don't have your cornea scan?" Vance asked, having nothing in archives to identify the man that stood before him.

The young man answered in a high-pitched voice, "I wasn't born when your file was set up. I'm your grandson, Bobby." Grandson? But that would've meant many years had passed since he was last turned on. "How long have I been in here?" Vance asked curiously. "Almost thirty-five years," Bobby stated. "Thirty-five years....I imagine the world's changed quite a bit."

But most importantly, the technology. Vance wondered about all the amazing advances there were since he passed.

"Oh yes, my father, your son....he's gone, heartache...it just happened," Bobby said, closing his eyes in grief. Vance could care less "Ah so you're alone now?" "I'm the last of the family, I gotta run the company, but I'm not sure I can," Bobby rubbed his neck. "Not sure? I was no older than you are now when I started the company," Vance added.

Except his intelligence was beyond precedent.

"But you and I are two different people -" Bobby began to argue. "That's enough. Put me online!" Vance demanded. He had more fulfilling goals to complete than listen to his grandson's insecurities.

A small podium rose from the ground. "But aren't you gonna help me? That's what you're four," Bobby asked confusedly. Vance shook his head, "That was just a pose Bobby, so people would leave me alone, I needed to buy some time."

"For what?"

Vance ignored the question, "Put me online, and you'll see," he insisted. "I don't know if I-'' "Do it! Please, Bobby, I've been cooped up in here for a long time. I want to find what's been going on in the world, that's all," Vance coaxed.

Feeling pity for his grandfather, Bobby picked up the phone that was attached to the small podium and dialed the number that would comply with Vance's wish. If only he knew the damage he was about to commit Gotham to.


Elsewhere, a certain couple were sharing a romantic night on the roof of a skyscraper. Eliana nuzzled into Terry and pressed a kiss to his chin. "It doesn't look so bad from up here," Eliana said, looking at the view of the city. "What?" Terry's eyebrows furrowed. "The city, it kinda reminds me of the Milky Way," Eliana responded.

Terry could see what she meant. The lights lit up Gotham. If you lived elsewhere, you'd be tricked into thinking Gotham was a nice, safe city when, in reality, it wasn't.

"Yeah, the Milky Way, but with psychopaths," Terry joked. Eliana giggled and hit his chest lightly. Wrapping an arm around one another, the two walked to the skyscrapper's elevator. 

As soon as the door closed, Eliana circled her arms around Terry's neck. "Finally, alone at last," Eliana teased slyly.

But just as they were about to kiss, the elevator suddenly started to erratically drop and rise at a dangerous rate. Terry and Eliana were tossed around until the elevator stopped completely. "Gotta be something wrong with its operating program," Terry mumbled.

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