Rebirth Part 2

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Terry was right....the file he had contained a whole formula to a dangerous disease that Derek Powers was creating. The gas was manufactured to slowly kill anyone who inhaled it, and in the wrong hands, it could turn into a deadly weapon.

"It's worse than I thought. It's some kind of new DNA mutagen. Powers is making nerve gas. He's using my company to make nerve gas," Bruce said angrily. Eliana put a hand on his shoulder. She understood her mentors' anger very well. They both turned to face Terry only to see him about to touch the Batman Beyond suit, "Stay away from that!"

"Synaptic controls, neuromuscular amplification, flight capability. Humph. This thing might be old, but it's still cutting-edge. Bet it amplifies your strength by at least 10 to 1." Terry commented, ignoring the man. Bruce handed Terry the disk, "Give this to commissioner Barbara Gordon. Tell her I sent you." Terry was confused at the request, "The cops? You gotta do something."

Without looking at him, Bruce replied, "We will, the Batcomputer has the file saved. Eliana will investigate this further. The help from Barbara Gordon should help." Terry's next response shocked Eliana, "I want in, I think Derek Powers was behind my father's murder." "No, you've done your part. Let us take care of the rest," Bruce replied sternly. Seeing as the conversation wasn't up for debate, Eliana volunteered to walk Terry out.

As they were making their way to the Manor gate, Terry spoke up, "Come on, Eliana, with all those suits in that cave I could help out." "You already have Terry, we wouldn't have discovered the mutagen without you coming forward. But putting on a suit is out of discussion. The best thing for you to do right now is to be with your family," Eliana replied.

While it would be helpful to have him as her partner out there, she didn't want him endangering his life. She handed him a slip of paper, "That's my number, call me if you need anything. I'm sorry for what happened to your dad, but Terry, I promise I'll do everything I can to stop Powers......just stay safe for me." Terry gave a small smile and nodded before walking away. Eliana sadly watched him go. She wished Terry could help in the way he wanted to.

Little did she know that in the short future, he would find a way.....


Not even an hour later, Eliana found herself in the Batcave suiting up. She was about to put on her domino mask when she felt someone's presence in the cave. She already knew it wasn't Bruce because he was in the kitchen making himself something to eat. Hearing a noise from behind her, Eliana pulled out her escrima sticks and held them in a defensive position.

"Who's there? Show yourself now!" Eliana demanded. Slowly, the figure moved its way out of the shadows and into the light. Recognizing the person, Eliana placed her sticks back in their holsters on her back. "Terry! What are you doing here? Actually, how the heck did you get in here?" Eliana exclaimed in shock.

Terry shook his head seemingly in a hurry, "It doesn't matter, look, Eliana. Powers jumped me on the way back home, and he got the disk. Look, I know you can handle yourself out there, but I can help you if you'd just give me a chance."

"Terry, I can't let you leave with a suit," Eliana told him sadly. Terry put his hands on her shoulders, "I read up on you and Bruce Eliana, I know what happened to your parents. I think Powers killed my father, and this is the only chance I have to finally get the truth. Please, Eliana, I'm begging you."

Eliana froze as she stared into his eyes that were filled with determination. She knew what to choose. Bruce was so going to have her head for this. "I'm gonna get into so much trouble for this," Eliana mumbled before turning to open up the Batman Beyond display case. She grabbed the suit and threw it to Terry, "Suit up, we leave in five minutes Batman."

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