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It was a bright Tuesday morning as Eliana walked with Dana in the school halls. Many students were conspiring with each other, and Eliana couldn't help but wonder what rumor was going around this time. "What's with all the chatter?" Eliana asked her friend. Dana gave her a shocked look, "You haven't heard?" Eliana shook her head cluelessly.

"It's about Chelsea. Last night, something strange happened. She walked into her house, grabbed an expensive statue, and chucked it into a river. Her dad chewed her out big time," Dana explained.

Eliana knew Chelsea was an attention seeker, but her actions didn't make any sense. "Why though, I mean that doesn't sound like a Chelsea thing to do?" She inquired. Dana shrugged, "Apparently she zoned out on her dad and doesn't even remember doing it."

Okay, now something was definitely wrong. Then appeared Commissioner Gordon appeared along with some officers. Eliana watched as they made their way into the office of the school's psychologist, Dr. Ira Billings.

As the school bell rang and everyone was leaving to go to class, Eliana walked closer to the office. "Hear about Chelsea?" Terry asked, joining her side. Eliana nodded, "Yep, and something's going on."

The duo cracked the door open and listened to the conversation being held. "We wouldn't even look into this mysterious man with the eyeball story, but the girl's father has influence and asked that we check it out. I wanna hear your opinion first, doctor," Barbara stated. 'Man with an eyeball, what on Earth?' Eliana wondered. That was definitely not in the rumors she was told.

Dr. Billings didn't share any concern over the situation, "To be frank, this is Chelsea's pattern. She commits these destructive acts for attention and then claims they aren't her fault. Unfortunately, by humoring her stories, her father encourages her behavior," he dismissed. He wasn't wrong about some things, Chelsea was one to create events in her favor, but this whole ordeal was a little extreme even for her.

The Commissioner sighed and stood up to leave, "So in other words, she made the whole thing up." Dr. Billings nodded in agreement, "That would be my opinion. I'm sorry for wasting your time." Quickly, the duo shut the door and pretend to be going into some lockers.

As Commissioner Gordon was leaving, she gave them a long stern look before leaving. "This seems something worth looking into," Terry commented. Eliana was in full agreement.

Apparently, Bruce did not see the situation investigation worthy as the teens explained their suspicions to him that evening. "I don't buy it, I mean, Chelsea's flaky, but she's not stupid. She's not just gonna make up a guy with a magic eyeball. It's too crazy not to be true," Terry told Bruce. "And it's Gotham, this city is a magnet for crazy," Eliana added.

Bruce, however, still didn't care, "Leave it alone. She's just a troubled kid lashing out at Daddy. There's nothing for you both to get involved with."

"Guess you're the expert on troubled kids. You collect them after all." Terry shot back without thinking. After seeing Bruce and Eliana's death glare, he cowered bashfully. Eliana huffed before making her way to the batcave, with Terry chasing after her and apologizing.

Not long after, there was an alert pertaining to a robber at Gotham's historic arts museum. Batman and Nightwing flew their way to the museum and were surprised to see an older man running with a historical dress on the roof.

The man ran towards a figure dressed in a red spandex suit with black swirls who was waiting on a weird yellow hovercraft. They landed on the roof and now had an up close view of the strange figure. "What the heck are you?" Batman questioned.

The mysterious figure didn't respond but handed the old man a gun. "I'll hold them off for as long as I can, now get out of here!" Mr. Deakins announced. The figure flew away as the heroes were running away from the array of gunfire. They took cover behind a wall before Batman pulled out a batarang and threw it at the gunman. The gun fell out of Deakins' hands, and after a bit of hesitation, he leaped onto Nightwing. They rolled on the ground, trying to pin one another.

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