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A knock on her bedroom door made Eliana jump off her bed in excitement. She raced to open the door and hastily pulled the visitor inside. As soon as the door clicked shut, Eliana planted a kiss on Terry. "Woah, down girl!" Terry joked but eagerly kissed back. "What can I say, I love my boyfriend," Eliana smiled.

Boyfriend.. she still couldn't wrap her mind around it. After all this time, they were finally together. Only 3 weeks had passed since their first kiss, but Eliana still felt butterflies every time Terry kissed her. She honestly doubted they'd ever go away.

"Yeah? Well, the feelings mutual," Terry said lowly, dipping them a bit. Eliana gasped in surprise as Terry scooped her up and threw her on the bed. He jumped and landed right next to her. They lay side by side basking in the quiet peace.

"We need to tell Bruce about us," Eliana spoke up. Terry's eyes bulged out, and he looked at her like she was insane, "Now!?" Eliana rolled her eyes, "Well soon yes, and that's if he doesn't already know. Not to mention your mom, we can't keep this a secret forever."

Terry knew she was right, but he'd thought they'd have more time alone. He sighed, "I know, but I like this... just getting to have you all to myself without my mom or Bruce on our backs."

Eliana moved to hover over Terry. "Yeah, I feel the same, but I promise you I'm not gonna let Bruce get between us," she responded, caressing his dark hair. Terry eyed her lips and started to pull her down. They were an inch apart when both their phones went off.

Terry groaned when Eliana rolled off him to check her phone. He already knew who caused the interruption. "Really know when to ruin good moments, huh old man," Terry grumbled.

"Bruce needs us, something about a robbery on 6th Seret street," Eliana said, grimacing. Maybe she shouldn't have made that promise.


"Can't you people find hobbies or something!?" Nightwing yelled as she ducked from laser fire. "Yeah, anything but stealing and making us work hard," Batman added, throwing a batarang at a thief. The duo found themselves behind a store counter. "I think this has been going on far too long, huh Batman?" Nightwing teased. "I agree. Let's finish this," Batman responded.

They vaulted over the counter and ran at the 4 thieves. Nightwing kneed a man in the head before swiping the feet of another. Then she shot out a grappling hook that tied the men together. She heard a whistle of appreciation. "I love seeing you in action," Batman flirted. "Well, that makes two of us," Nightwing responded huskily.

"I assume you both succeeded." The heroes jumped. They forgot about Bruce! Terry cleared his voice, "All good on our end, GCPD should be here soon," he rushed out. Although he was wearing a cowl, Eliana could just picture the red tint his face had. Hers was similar. Well, if Bruce didn't suspect something was going on between them, he sure did now.


"Are you sure we're alone?" Eliana asked mid kiss as they stumbled into Terry's home. "Yep, Mom's taking Matt over to a playdate. They won't be back for some hours," Terry answered, eagerly wanting to continue kissing. "I like that sound of that," Eliana said breathlessly. Terry gripped her thighs and was about to carry her to the couch...

"Woah, what are you two doing?!"

Eliana and Terry looked to see Matt peeking his head over the couch. They quickly separated and tried to look innocent. "Look snips we were just -" Terry began. "Mom! Mom! Terry and Eliana are kissing. Terry has a girlfriend!" Matt exclaimed, bouncing up and down on the couch. Eliana shot Terry a panicked look. This wasn't how they wanted to break the news. Maybe they could escape before...

Batman Beyond: The New Dynamic DuoWhere stories live. Discover now