The Eggbaby

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At a large mansion outside of Gotham late at night, a trio of people exited from a car. The trio consisted of two brothers, one scrawny and one broad, and a fat middle-aged woman dressed in pink. The brothers approached the mansion’s metal gate. They looked to their mother, who raised a brow. “Well, do you think I'm going to open it?” She asked.

Her larger son, Carl, grunted as he grasped the metal bars and ripped open the gate. His brother and mother strolled through but paused when they heard a clunk. Carl had tried to enter the estate still holding the gate.

“Idiot,” Ma Mayhem muttered.

The mother and sons quietly entered the mansion and snuck up on the butler who was searching through his fridge. When the butler turned around, he stumbled back in shock.

Ma Mayhem pushed Carl out of the way, “Step aside, oaf,” she then pointed the barrel of her gun at the frightened man, “You. Do what Mama says, and you won't get hurt.”

“Please, ma'am. I'm only the butler,” the man pleaded, holding his hands up.

“Well, then, you would know where the safe is, wouldn't you?” Ma Mayhem prodded. When the butler didn’t answer, she repeated more threateningly, “Wouldn't you?”

Carl hoisted the butler up by his collar, forming a fist before the man's eyes. “Do they really pay you enough for this?” Ma Mayhem asked. The butler shook his head.

Carl released him, and the butler gestured for them to follow. “This way, please.” Slim, Ma Mayhem’s other son, pushed the butler so he would hurry up.

When the safe was revealed, Slim got to work, taking out his tool from his bag, figuring out how to crack it open

“Electrostatic tumblers. Intermittent timer. Hmm. I think a magno-bomb should do the job,” Slim assessed before digging into his bag.

“A magno-bomb? What are you trying to do, blow up the whole house?” Ma Mayhem questioned.

“Again with the criticism? Look, it's not like this is the first time I've blown up a safe,” Slim retorted, glaring at his mother for her obvious doubt in his skills.

But like always, his mother was quick to sass back, “No, but it would be the first time you've done it right,”

“You know, other mothers might show a little confidence in their children. And other mothers might–” Slim’s rant was cut off by a laser shot from his mother.

“Just do it!” She snapped. 

Slim hooked up the magno-bomb to the safe and put on safety glasses, cautioning his mother and brother to do the same. The butler had to manually cover his eyes from the bright light that followed.

When the light disappeared, Ma Mayhem stepped into the wide open safe with a big smile. She combed through the tons of jewelry only to pluck one ruby ring. “Oh, you don't know how long I've waited for this,” she moaned.

“What else they got?” Carl asked. Slim bent down to grab a necklace but cried out in pain when his mother purposely stepped onto his hand.

“I have what I came for.” Ma Mayhem said, walking out of the safe with the ring.

“But, ma, they got all this other stuff,” Slim argued, gesturing to the money, wondering why all the other valuables were worthless to take.

Ma Mayhem looked over her shoulder, and her eyes narrowed on her son. “Are you arguing with your mother?”

“Well, no, but–”

Ma Mayhem’s eyes widened in warning. “But?”

Slim sighed, “Nothing.”

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