Sneak Peek

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Eliana leaned into Terry’s embrace as the couple snuggled on the Mcginnis living room couch, watching one of their favorite segments “The Inside Peek”. Ian Peek was the host and revealed the secrets of Gotham’s elite. Eliana had no clue how the reporter was so good at obtaining such personal and private info, but the scoop was sure entertaining.

Although this episode was proving to be her favorite as Paxton Powers was today's topic. Ian Peek showed a clip of the CEO at a pool party getting a little frisky with one girl.

“And now for our headline story, the strange case of Paxton powers. Remember him? We haven't heard much from Paxie boy since he took over Wayne powers from his blighted father. Maybe it's because Pax has been side-tracked by, uh, personal issues? Looks like he's making up for all that time he wasted in the boonies.”

Eliana rolled her eyes. She had already known from Bruce that the CEO was nothing but a philanthropist who cared nothing about the company he had control over. The only consolation was that he wasn’t so similar to his father.

“Hey what’s that?” Matt asked, watching over the couch.

Eliana held out a hand to block his eyesight, “Not for your eyes, that's for sure.” Matt repeatedly tried ducking and looking over her hand. “I wanna see! I wanna see!” The boy chanted, more enthused now.

Terry got up from the couch and chased after his brother, who ran towards the tv, but he didn’t have to block the view as the tv was shut off. “Hey!” The two brother’s exclaimed disappointedly to their mother.

“I don’t want you watching this,” Mary stated. Thinking it was directed to his younger brother, Terry placed a hand on his shoulder and said, “See?”

“I was talking to both of you,” Mary corrected. “Come on. It’s just entertainment,” Terry dismissed. He didn’t understand what was so bad about it.

“You wouldn’t find it so entertaining if you were on the receiving end,” Mary said, leaving them all to mule over her words.

As Matt ran off to do who knows what, Eliana pulled Terry back onto the couch and hovered over him. “Your mom’s got a point, but don’t overthink it,” she said, leaning down to place a kiss on his lips. When she pulled away, she noticed Terry was still deep in thought.

“It doesn’t worry you? Some guy like Peek exposing our identities?” He asked, not unkindly.

Eliana played with his hair absentmindedly, “It does a bit, but hey, if Bruce can survive decades of being Batman without even a shred of suspicion, then I think we’ll be okay.” That assurance seemed to lift Terry’s mood as he wrapped his arms around Eliana, hugging her to his chest.

“Boy do I love my rational girlfriend.”


Later that same night, Jimmy Lin, a crime boss, discreetly walked into the city hall for a meeting with D.A. Sam Young. The crime boss was escorted by armed guards but was unaware of the flashing blue and black figure following him. Once Lin reached the D.A,’s office, he voiced his concerns. “You sure nobody's going to find out about this? If my friends in the Tong hear that I'm talking about them to the cops–”

“This room's been swept for bugs, twice, and you've seen my security staff,” Sam cut off, assuringly.

But Lin was not satisfied, “You don’t know the Rongs,” he cautioned.

“That's why you're here, Mr. Lin, so I can learn more about them. But if you'd prefer to face your tax evasion charges, I can arrange that, too,” Sam said, pointedly.  Either the crime boss testified what he knew and received a pardon or be charged fully for his crimes.

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