A Touch of Curaré

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It was a wonderful night as Commissioner Barbara Gordon and D.A husband Sam Young walked through Gotham Park. It had been such a stressful week for the couple, and a relaxing outing seemed to be the best option.

"You warm enough hun?" Sam asked his wife. The air had a nip in it. "Sam, I'm never cold, you know that," Barbara answered, with a bit of amusement. "My warm-blooded wife," Sam teased, and the old couple chuckled.

"I heard the D.A's office is plea bargaining the Densmore case, do you know how hard my men worked-" Barabra launched straight into work talk which Sam wanted to avoid, so he interrupted, "Uh uh, no shop talk after hours. If you wanna discuss my shortcomings as a D.A., call my office and make an appointment commissioner."

They both shared a loving kiss, but their happiness was short-lived as Barbara heard a sound coming from some bushes. Her eyes widened as she went into full cop mode.

"Shh, did you hear -" she didn't complete her sentence because just as she turned around, she saw a dark figure. The figure walked out from the shadows to reveal a blue, painted woman wearing white egyptian clothing. "Sam, get back!" Barbara shouted, pushing her husband back.

She pulled out her gun but was pinned to a tree by some daggers the figure threw. The woman ran at them, jumping high in the air with her sword drawn. Barbara and Sam dodged as the woman sliced the tree clean in half.

The woman made no attempts in slowing down, as she ran at the couple once more. Barbara fired her gun, but the woman was fast. She dodged and deflected the bullets with the help from her sword. Then she swiftly ran towards Barabra and proceeded to slice her gun in two.

Sam lifted a metal garbage can and chucked it at the woman; only for her to split it in two. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Batman and Nightwing slammed into the woman, taking her down. Barbara used this distraction to run and get her husband to safety. "All units, this is Commissioner Gordon, officer under attack. I repeat officer under attack. All units respond to Gotham Park, central drive, I repeat, Gotham Park, central drive."

Meanwhile, back with the heroes, Batman and Nightwing were kicked off of the woman. Nightwing landed before throwing some batarangs at the swordswoman. The woman just backhandspring out of the way, affectingly avoiding them. The woman shot out some shurikens fast, making Batman and Nightwing roll out of the way.

The woman started to sprint after the couple at amazingly high speeds. The vigilantes chased after the woman on foot first before leaping up into the trees and jumping from one to the other. This proved to be the faster method as they caught up with the woman.

Barbara and Sam were still running for their lives until Sam managed to trip over a root. Barabra pulled her husband up but gasped as the woman was already mid-air about to strike them down. Nightwing jumped from the tree and intercepted the blade with an escrima stick, as Batman kicked the woman away. Once again, Barbabra and Sam started to flee.

The woman charged at them and tried to strike the heroes down. Batman and Nightwing flipped over the woman with Nightwing throwing some batarangs. The woman deflected them once more, but when Batman landed, he swept the woman's legs beneath her. The swordswoman grunted but quickly rolled back up, only to get tied up with a bola.

"Gotcha," Batman smirked, thinking the battle was nearly done with the woman binded. But the joy didn't last long as the woman just used her sword to simply cut the rope. Nightwing viewed the sight in disbelief. Whatever sword the woman was using must have been special because there weren't many weapons in the world that could cut that armored rope. "I gotta get me one of those swords," Nightwing quipped.

Sirens were heard, and a spotlight flashed on them. Police choppers and hover cars were above them. "This is the police, put your weapon down and step back," assuming the police were only referring to the woman Batman and Nightwing relax Wrong idea, instead of the police just shooting at the skilled woman, they also shot at the heroes.

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