[18 - HAIKYUU!! - HC DUMP]

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i have a bunch of random little ideas that i must share so i present to you: the haikyuu headcanon dump

as always, most of these are quite timeskippy

• yachi befriends a bunch of random volleyball players in her time as manager and she keeps in touch with all of them. they adore her.

> this list includes but is not limited to: the entirety of inarizaki (but specifically kita, suna and osamu), kuroo, shibayama, kyoutani, sakusa, semi and shirabu

> her always getting discounts at the onigiri miya

> free tickets to semi's shows and a bunch of matches

> again just a bunch of pro athletes, etc. at her wedding ft. her confused work friends + wife's family

• the reason atsumu and sakusa dont hold hands in public isnt bc of mysophobia or anything: they just walk at two very different speeds

> atsumu is constantly walking at homosexual speeds and sakusa just,, walks so slowly. he just tags along, miles behind the rest of the team and his boyfriend and watches them frantically look for him

> "hes almost two meters tall how the /fuck/ did we lose him!" says an exasperated atsumu as sakusa admires the watches on display at a store two blocks behind

• nobody knows who hinata is dating. ever. there are a ton of bets among the entire v-league

> its not because hes necessarily secretive, he just genuinely forgets to tell them

• kiyoomi has a rigorous skincare routine that he insists on doing every night, no matter how tired he is.

• if bokuto and akaashi were to get together in high school, they would probably get married right after akaashi graduated 

( > idk man i just think that bokuto would propose to akaashi in high school and 100% mean it )

• noya and asahi are the first out of karasuno to to get married

• bokuto is surprisingly good at scrabble because he reads all the books akaashi recommends to him and learns all the meanings of words he doesnt doesn't know

• fukurodanis managers? in love.

• post timeskip, hinata has the highest body count

> he is rivaled only by our beloved iwa chan (bc lbr he was probably wildin at uci)

• as we all know noya and tanaka were each other's first kiss. the following is a list of characters who were also each others first kisses:

bokuto and kuroo, asahi and daichi, goshiki and koganegawa, tsukki and yachi, and kageyama and kindaichi

• this one's pretty common but saeko does noya and tanakas hair

> the twins also help each other dye their hair

• mattsun is the first of the seijoh 3rd years to lose his virginity

• yaku has lowkey had a crush on both of the haibas. its a problem.

> so what if his type is (part) slavic and taller than him

> also post timeskip? it becomes a problem

( > too bad alisa is very happily committed to another certain older sister oops. )

• another common one but everyone in inarizaki has had a crush on kita at some point 

( > some more successfully than others )

• as an oihina stan i truly do not believe the brazil fling was a one time thing. it went on for quite a while and it hurt a lot more than expected when it ended.

> theyre still on great terms though and hey it just served to bring them closer together (no pun intended)

• in an attempt to stop kenma from spending so much money on shouyou, kuroo started buying hinata things. now he has two sugar daddies.

> the team make fun of him for it but atsumu is lowkey very jealous 

• kyoutani is a very good singer

> list of haikyuu characters that can sing: suga, yamaguchi, shibayama, aone, semi (duh), alisa, aran, kita

• kageyama's not good at sex

• this is an osasuna/sakuatsu one: upon once again getting flamed for talking about akaashi too much, bokuto pointed put that the miya twins had the same type and it was the worst revelation that atsumu was ever forced to make

> just imagine them in the msby locker rooms:

bokuto: you know, nice dark hair, tall, slightly apathetic—

atsumu: oh my god no wait—

hinata: city boys!

barnes: oh yeah and pro volleyball players—

meian: switches.

sakusa: wow and suddenly i can no longer hear.

• yahaba is surprisingly very touchy

> he and watari are the kings of platonic cuddling

> when he and kyoutani start getting closer, our lovely kyouken's face is constantly burning bc their arms are touching or something

• asahi is the most perceptive member of karasuno when it comes to relationships and shit

• akaashi's a gossip

• saeko has her nipples pierced (i know this bc she could 100% fight god and win)


> although then all the famous athletes at their wedding wouldn't be such a surprise anymore

> you win some, you lose some

• by far my most controversial opinion: all of them are vers switches

• noya is a disaster bisexual in the sense that he falls fast and is upfront about it, kuroo is a disaster bisexual in the sense that he will (unsuccessfully) hit on anyone and shouyou is a disaster bisexual in the sense that everyone fucking falls in love with him

• tsukkiteruyama is the ultimate, all encompassing polyship seeing as it contains: childhood best friends to lovers, fwb to lovers and enemies to lovers

• atsumu is the kind of sibling that walks into the other's room all the time for no reason

> he has walked in on his brother and certain other people before and it was never pleasant

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