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• kiri is constantly touching bakugou somehow

> he's always holding his hand, or has an arm around his shoulder or is leaning against him or something

> even since before they got together they were always pretty touchy feely

• when katsuki doesn't want to deal with anyone he just wraps his arms around kiris waist, hugs him from behind and buries his head in his shoulder until they can leave

•  lots of hand holding 

• bakugou always helps kiri dye his hair

• they never had a big conversation about becoming boyfriends

> bakugou stole kiris sweater once when they were definitely more than friends but still hadn't defined anything and upon kirishima asking he simply replied with "thats what boyfriends do, don't they?"

( > kirishima just smiled and kissed him softly )

• they share clothes a lot

> some things are very obviously bakugous, like the many band tees and some things are very obviously kirishimas, like the brightly coloured patterned shirts, but sweatpants, sweaters and jackets always get mixed up between them

• the bakusquad make fun of how whipped they are for each other

• bakugou bakes kirishima a birthday cake when he turns seventeen and it becomes a bit of a tradition 

• they dated for the longest time before anyone found out 

> mina and sero were the first ones to know. kiri told them a few weeks after him and bakugou got together

> bakugou told jirou first (he mentioned it in passing and she put two and two together) and she mentioned it to momo

> kaminari figured it out a two months after they got together (mainly bc everyone thought he already knew)

> shinsou figured it out the first time he hung out with the bakusquad

> the rest of 1-A found out about 5 months after they got together

— bakugou had been hanging out with the girls and they were talking about their crushes and ngl bakugou wasn't really paying attention

— then ochaco asked him if he had any lucky lady to tell them about

— bakugou makes some joke like "i sure hope not, shitty hair wouldn't be very happy about that"

— the girls fucking riot

— the "news" speads like a wildfire 

• study sessions thats end in make out sessions

• sparring sessions that end in make out sessions

• they sleep over in each other's rooms all the time, mostly bc cuddling helps against nightmares (but also they're teenage boys so ofc these sleepovers aren't always that innocent)

> the rest of 1-a knows this ofc but they don't really think about reporting it bc they've all had sleepovers at some point

> kiri and bakugou are vv thankful for that

• when they first get together bakugou tells kiri he can call him "katsuki" and kiri almost starts crying

> bakugou calls kiri "ei" but almost only when they're alone

> kiri loves it anyways

• a few months into their relationship bakgou tells kiri to stop calling him "bro" so he replaces it with "babe"

> the first time it happens they were in the common area getting ready to watch a movie with the bakusquad

— bakugou was coming back from the kitchen with some drink and kiri (from the couch) said something along the lines of "hey babe! we can't decide which one to watch so we're just gonna watch both." and bakugou almost chokes on his drink but he doesn't want the others to tease them so he just acts unbothered

— so they watch the movie and bakugou cant focus because kirishima's all pressed up against his side and he called him "babe" and he wants to (more than just) kiss him so bad but he can't so halfway through the movie he says hes tired and they leave after the first movie finishes

— the moment kirishima closes the door to bakugou's room he's pushed back against it and bakugou pulls him in for a very eager kiss

— "i thought you said you were tired?"

"you called me babe."

"is that why you're kissing me?"


"you liked it!"

"of course i fucking liked it!"

"why'd we have to leave then?"

"because i can't blow you in front of all those fucking extras."

"oh ... oh~"

• hiking!! dates!!

• bakugou has a thing for how strong kiri is 

> kiri is vv oblivious to this but the bakusquad catch on pretty quickly and tease bakugou relentlessly 

• bakugou also really likes kiris teeth

> like he REALLY likes them (;

• he just finds kiri vv attractive and hes vv embarrassed by it

• kiri calls bakugou pretty all the time bc he like the way it makes him blush (also its the truth kiri is vv weak for him)

• bakugou kisses kiri to get his attention or shut him up

• mitsuki fucking LOVES kiri (she loves the whole bakusquad but thats a whole other thing)

> she embarrasses bakugou a lot when kiri's around (she knows what she's doing (;) and again kiri isn't complaining bc he likes the way it makes him blush

• idk man they're just really happy and in love (:

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