[12 - IT - REDDIE]

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eddie and stan don't die au !!

set post it chapter 2

• in a moment of sudden wingpeopleness the losers lied and said richie was eds' husband when the doctors asked about their relation to eddie

> the doctors figured out it was a lie, since the losers called myra to notify her of eddies condition 

• richie stays with eddie while he's in the hospital 

> literally no one can get him to leave

> he doesn't even joke about anything, he just sits next to eddies bed, holds his hand and begs for him to wake up

— one time bev and ben came to visit and the found richie sobbing over eddies body, whispering pleas for him to wake up. they gave them their privacy.

• when eddie does finally get up, richie isnt allowed to stay anymore

> he wanted to, they both did, but myra quickly took over taking care of him and richie eventually had to get back to la

• so yeah fast forward like a little less than a year after everything happened: its three am and eddie shows up at richies doorstep running his mouth about how he left myra and how he needs a place to stay

> still takes them like two months of living together to finally confess to each other

— stan was richies go to vent person during this time period

• they may be older, but that doesnt mean rich isnt less of a coward: eddie definitely made the first move

• richie caught the bouquet at bev and bens wedding

> eddie just facepalmed and muttered something about having to find a ring big enough for richies stupidly big hands

> "you weren't complaining about my stupidly big hands when they were—"

"shut UP, rich!"

• these dumbasses proposed at the same time

> one of them got down on one knee and the other pulled out his own velvet box and joined him

• eddie steals richie's glasses sometimes

• when he first moved in with richie eddies sleepwear consisted of matching flannel pyjama sets; now its one of richies stupid shirts and boxers (which dont usually last that long)

• they do domestic shit like go grocery shopping together

• eddie inspires richie to start writing his own stuff

> richies career does a whole ass 180 thanks to that

• richie taking eddie to AWARD SHOWS because they are a FAMOUS COUPLE god i love them

> in custom suits courtesy of bev 

• richie cried the first time they had sex

• they get a dog

> richie jokes about getting a pomeranian but he cries whenever he sees one on the streets

> they get a golden retriever instead

• eddie keeps roasting richie on twitter

• richie makes jokes about being eddies sugar daddy a lot

• eddie does in fact end up telling richie he likes his nicknames

> he soon learns to regret this because richie wont fucking stop inventing new ones (and they're annoying but he loves them and he loves him)

• the still bicker a lot but theyre so sappy and content with each other its almost gross

• richie loves forehead kisses !! giving and receiving 

> eddie will take richies face into his hands, tilt his head down and simply kiss his stupid fivehead

• so many cuddles on richies ratty old couch

• richie may be insecure about his dad bod but does that even matter when the tiny hunky elf man tells him how hot he is on a day to day basis? no it does not.

> when they first got together richie hated taking his shirt off in front of eddie bc eddies so in shape and he is,, a shape

> "forty year olds arent supposed to be fucking shredded, dude"

" i am literally about to have sex with you, dont call me dude"

> so eddie makes sure richie is reminded of how attractive he is on a daily basis. its what he deserves

• ben writes poems about bev and richie writes jokes about eddie

> very john mulaney "my [husband] is a bitch and i love [him]!"esque

• eddie once decides to do yoga in their living room. it was very eventful.

• richie has the worst heart eyes he simply will not stop staring at eddie ever

> "rich"


"you're doing the thing again."

"what? eds i would never."



"come here you big oaf."

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