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timeskip spoilers!

• surprisingly, akasshi and kenma got together first

> kuroo and bokuto were both incredibly jealous and found it absolutely adorable at the same time

— they walked in on them once. it was a life altering experience according to them

> bokuto cried for a week when they got together because he thought it meant neither kenma nor akaashi were into buff guys like him

• contrary to popular belief, they all switch

• it took kenma a while to get used to that much attention, all the extra hugs and touches were pretty overwhelming at the start

• they all love seeing bokuto with his hair down

> bokuto loves it when they play with his hair

• akaashi, kuroo and bokuto all love pulling kenma into their laps while he's gaming

> surprisingly, kenma never complains (unless they try to distract him from his game)

• they just like having kenma in their laps in general

> once bokuto got jealous that kenma always got to sit in the others' laps. he tried to start casually plopping into kuroo and akaashi's laps but his plan quickly failed due to the fact that he is indeed a very tall and very buff professional athlete 

— he cried about being too heavy to sit in their laps a few times too

— they cheered him up with kisses and head pats

• they all freak when akaashi first starts wearing glasses

> he keeps forgetting them at home, so the others always end up calling him or bringing them to to him while he's at work

• kuroo uses themed pick up lines on all of them

> themes include (but are not limited to): cats, owls, volleyball, math and chemistry

— kenma and akaashi always have to explain the chemistry pick up lines to bokuto

— he loves them anyways

• akaashi and kenma usually stay up the latest, kenma editing a video and akaashi editing an article

> kuroo tries really hard to make sure they don't overwork themselves

• kenma wears bokutos msby black jackals hoodie when he streams sometimes

• bokuto loves seeing his boyfriends wearing his clothes

> he'd also like wearing their clothes but they never fit him

• bokuto gives the best hugs

> whenever any of them are feeling down, they go to bokuto first for comfort cuddles

• kuroo had never thought of being with bokuto romantically until kenma proposed it

• they're all super busy, so its really rare that they get to stay home together all day

> so when they do they absolutely just relish in it and lie on the floor in their room, all tangled up together like when they first got together

• kenmas fans speculate about who he's dating 

> kuroos camp is the biggest, mainly because they know the most about him

— he thinks its really funny

> akaashi is known as the mystery man that they've only heard from a few brief phone calls while kenma was streaming

> someone noticed that the msby hoodie was bokutos and people were debating about how platonic clothes sharing truly can be

— his camp is the smallest, but kenma makes sure to remind him that he doesn't love him any less

• even after they started dating, akaashi didn't stop saying bokuto-san or kuroo-san for a while

> kenma instisted on being called by his given name since they first met so that wasnt a problem

> it took kuroo so much convincing just to get to tetsurou-san

> bokuto didn't mind

— he still tackled akaashi in a hug the first time he called him koutarou

• inspite of this they all started calling him keiji as soon as they got together and he never complained

• kuroo makes their coffee/tea/hot chocolate in the mornings

> kenma always comments on how koutarou probably shouldnt be drinking hot chocolate as a professional athlete but he's always the one to put the mini marshmallows bokuto likes in the shopping cart

• koutarou and keiji absolutely love each others eyes

• bokuto loves the attention that comes from having all of them and he loves giving it too

• hinata was super happy for all of them once they got together and kuroo always jokes that they spend the sponsorship meetings talking shit about their boyfriends together

> kenma glares at him but he nevers denies it

• kuroo calls kenma kitten and akaashi angel

> he and bokuto still call each other bro, even after being together for years

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