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quick note, this is based mainly on western punk, since it's what i know most about. if i got any terminology wrong, feel free to correct me in the comments.

• tanaka, saeko and terushima get him into it

> yamaguchi thought punk looked cool since he was young, but what really got him into it was the message

( > he also likes that it makes him look intimidating because before he had to rely on tsukki for that )

• he starts learning more about it in his second year but he holds back on how he dresses until one day towards the end of his second year

> the new second and third years are meeting up with daichi, suga and asahi and he's feeling confident so he wears something more bold and everyone compliments him on it (esp noya, tanaka and hinata)

• he has his earlobes pierced, his helix pierced (three times on his right ear and twice on his left) and his tongue pierced

> saeko pierces his ears

> tsukki comes with him to get his earlobes pierced and his first helixes on both ears and gets his tongue pierced with terushima. he gets the last three helixes on his own

> tsukki was very pleasantly surprised by the tongue piercing 

• yachi teaches him how to do his make up

> he loves doing fancy eyeliner and he gets really good at it

> he ends up doing the team's make up for kuroo and bokuto's annual halloween parties

• he and yachi also go thrifting together

• he listens to riotgrrl

• he goes to a lot of concerts

> he takes yachi to one once (she really wanted to go) and he protects her from the gross men who keep oogling her

• he has this black leather jacket that he covers in patches

> these patches include: a patch that says "rape isn't punk"  on the back, one that says feminist on his arm and one of the moon surrounded by stars on the chest

• he becomes really crafty as a result of his style and he uses these skills to make people gifts

> he gave yachi a denim jacket he cropped and embroidered flowers onto for her birthday 

> tsukki has a cute little dinosaur patch yams made for him on one of his bags and constellations keep getting embroidered onto his duffles

> he gives kageyama keychain with a tangerine, a volleyball, and a milk carton he made out of shrinking plastic

> hinata gets a matching one except its a blueberry instead of a tangerine

> he makes shimizu earrings with miniature volleyballs on them

> he embroiders a lightning bolt onto the chest of noyas training jacket and he immediately asks yams if he can do it to all his clothes

> he gives kuroo and bokuto cat and owl patches respectively 

> kenma gets a nintendo switch patch and a bunch of vintage video game pins yamaguchi finds

• he exchanges pins with tanaka all the time

• tsukki really likes it because it makes yams more comfortable and confident (also he looks amazing in the tattered shirts and make up)

> one day in their third year, kuroo invites them to a party (him, bokuto, kenma and akaashi were visiting. they rented an apartment to stay at for the two weeks) and yams comes to pick tsukki up at his house and tsukki gets the text that yams is at the front door so he gets his stuff and opens the door and fully stops functioning at the sight before him

— yams is wearing The Jacket, a tattered, cropped, pink bikini kill shirt he cut the sleeves off of, high waisted fishnets under tight, low rise, ripped, black jeans, and black docs (purple laces (; ) with pink socks. he's wearing smudged eyeliner and black lipstick and his piercings are all in and his hair is up—

— tsukishima does not manage to keep his hands to himself and they arrive a half hour later than anticipated. yams' lipstick is smudged. tsukki's shirt is wrinkled. yams ends up blowing tsukki in the bathroom and when they finally get home tsukki fucks yams while he's still in the fishnets.

— yamaguchi starts wearing fishnets more often

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