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i'm back !

this was originally supposed to be a sort of pride special, but i'm ngl i forgot about it... but i'm here now and i finally finished it !

they/them for kita, he/she for tobio, she/they for yachi


• bigender tobio figuring herself out a bit later in life (because lbr kags is dense as fuck) with the LOVE AND SUPPORT OF HER HUSBAND SHOUYOU i'm crying this is what i want

> shouyou gets all excited because now he gets to tell everyone about his husband and his WIFE

— sometimes he switches it up like "oh yes she's my husband" or "he's my wife" and tobio loves it

> he just likes how it sounds :)

• shouyou tries to help him do his makeup but fails miserably

> so they enlist yachi and yamaguchi to help

> the first time shouyou sees kags in like,, full face, eyeliner, eyeshadow, lipstick, all that jazz he almost passes out because tobio just looks so Good he has no right

• kags starts wearing hair clips

> natsu keeps gifting them to her !!

• shouyou gives kags little nose kisses and he gets flustered every time

> shouyou thinks its very cute

• shouyou gets top surgery and can not stop walking around shirtless he shows off his flat chest at any given chance

> again tobio is very flustered when she sees shouyou casually walking around shirtless around their apartment

• tobio is a shit gift giver, but shouyou appreciates anything he gets him so genuinely and no matter how bad it is he gets so excited

> it encourages tobio its very sweet to witness

• so many!! cheek kisses!!

• tobio starts experimenting with skirts and stuff and i just want you to picture him and shouyou dancing in their kitchen and tobio marveling at how his dress swishes and how loved and at home he feels


• they wear matching sweaters on christmas n stuff

• aran takes really good care of his hands (mans moisturizes) and he always makes sure that kita is taking care of theirs too

> he'll notice they're all callused and dry from kita working on the farm and massage their hands with lotion and kiss their knuckles after 

• they bake and cook together

• nobody has any idea on how or when they got together, they just were one day

> the twins—atsumu very openly, osamu denies it—make it their life mission to figure out how it happened, and once aran and kita catch on they just make up increasingly ridiculous and inconsistent lies about the event

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