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• the couple that absolutely nobody saw coming

> the bakusquad found out when todoroki came to pick hanta up for a date. mina made some joke about having fun on his date to which shouto replied "we will" before grabbing sero's hand and leading him out of the room.

— they were unbelievably offended by the fact that hanta hadn't told them about it

> the dekusquad had found out just a little bit earlier, when shouto left their communal study session saying he had to get ready for his and hanta's date

> everyone's still super supportive though

• sero thought he was straight until he realized he was falling for todoroki 

• they swich sides of the bed depending on how warm/cold it is

• cheek kisses !!

• shouto likes to lean his head on sero's shoulder when they're sitting next to each other

• shouto tells sero about his theories late at night

• their rooms are next to each other, and since they're more subtle than kirishima and bakugou, they never get caught when they sleep over in each others rooms

> shouto prefers hanta's room anyways

• sero loves making shouto smile

• they go on weekly museum dates

> specifically, art history museums

• they try to bond with each other's friends since they both know how important they are to the other

> shouto goes shopping with mina and bakugou once and they get him this dark academia ensemble to wear for their next date and to say that sero was speechless is an understatement 

• they gossip about the drama in class 1-a together

> shouto gets super into it and hanta thinks it's cute because he isn't subtle about it at all

• whenever shouto has to go to some big event with his father, he always invites sero with him

> he buys sero custom tailored suits with his dad's credit card for said events

> the first time sero goes he's super nervous, because he isn't used to these sort of fancy events. they're getting ready in shouto's room and shouto looks amazing because how couldn't he and sero keeps fumbling with his cufflinks and failing to tie his tie and he's completely freaking out. 

shouto notices this and walks up to him calmly, buttoning sero's shirt up and tying the tie for him, whispering about how great he looks and how thankful shouto is that sero's joining him. when he's done with the tie, shouto brushes the front pieces of hair out of sero's face and presses a kiss to his forehead. right before shouto steps away, sero cups his face in his hands and pulls him in for a kiss.

"thank you, shouto."

• one of sero's biggest insecurities was his appearance, specifically his signature grin, until shouto told him that seeing it made him want to kiss him

• jokes tend to go over his head, so whenever shouto doesn't understand one, hanta takes the time to explain it to him afterwards

• hanta also teaches shouto memes

> it's an amusing experience for everyone involved

• shouto finds out that he can set his eyelashes on fire (the same way enji makes his fire beard) and sero finds it's really cute

• they read bad manga together and rate it together afterwards

• they call each other by their given names

• they're both really good dancers

> shouto really likes seeing hanta dance, he thinks it makes hanta look handsome

• shouto makes hanta tea in the mornings, whereas hanta brings shouto a can of monster energy drink

> it's a lovely arrangement their friends don't understand

+bonus: pro heroes!todosero being domestic

• they get a cat

> she's this tiny little black ball of mischief they found coming home from a coffee date

> it was shouto's idea to keep her

• when todoroki comes back from a particularly strenuous mission and he gets home at an ungodly hour, he'll find sero in their kitchen, making him dinner and humming along to some music he put on and fall in love all over again

> it always ends in them dancing in the kitchen at 2am, whispering the lyrics to each other in between laughter and kisses

• shouto lets his hair grow out when he's older and sero learns how to style it for him

> kirishima and bakugou manage to teach him

• shouto proposes one morning out of the blue and sero almost chokes on his tea

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