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• he/they x he/they x he/they

> im pushing an agenda

• established kamisero crushing on the hot new kid vs shinsou crushing on two people who are taken by each other

> anyways kami and sero tried really hard to drop subtle hints that they liked shinsou (they flert) and it just confused the poor guy even more

— i stand by my hc that shinsou is absolutely fucking oblivious to anyone who flirts with him

> sero is supes perceptive so they like,, immediately noticed it when kami fell and as he attempted to be his boyfriends wingman he also caught feelings

• they don't get together until hitoshi has a brief crisis and kamisero go "babe we've been trying to get with you for like,, the past four months?"

> "oh."


"well, isn't this romantic."

"does this mean we can finally make out?"

"that depends ... are we boyfriends now?"

"'toshi, we've been boyfriends! now, c'mon i've been waiting to kiss you since you transferred."

• its shinsous first relationship 

> the first time he has them over as his bfs <3 they can't wrap his mind around the fact that his boyfriends are in his bed

• sero has snake bites and denki likes feeling them under his tongue when they kiss

• sero keeps snacks they like in his room

• ever since they get together kami stops wearing his own clothes 

> "this relationship is a communist institution, its our closet now."

> theyre all stylish as fuck so it almost ends up working too well

> they also share jewelry since sero and shin are pierced as fuck and yeah 10/10

— sero and kami wear hitoshis rings on necklaces around their necks bc they're too big for their fingers (yes denki has a hand kink whats it to you)

• shinsou and kami totally cut seros mullet

• they paint their nails together

• they uh,, they smoke a lot

• denki is very clingy so he's usually touching at least one of them somehow all the time

• mina and bakugou had a bet going on how long it would take them to get together

> bakugou lost

• they share shinsous spotify account and they have only one playlist that they all contribute to 

> its like 1200 songs and its the only thing they listen to

• lots of lazy, content kisses

• they cuddle a lot

• sero is a waist holder

> shinsou loves it it's so comforting 

— whenever they're feeling down he goes to sero for comfort cuddles

• the second they move in together they get a cat

> they were going to wait but then denki found a wounded stray kitten and immediately decided to take him in

• eraserhead has never once walked in on them

> sero has some sort of sixth sense and they always make it out of incriminating positions right on time

> theyre so proud of it

• kami helps sero with english and shinsou helps denki with math and physics

• shinsou is a "can drive" gay, hantas the "can do math" gay and kamis the "can cook gay"

> bakugou teaches him and they get really good at it, surprisingly 

• denki is an impulse shopper and sero is his enabler

• they give each other stick n pokes

> shinsous first one is a bandaid on his knee courtesy of sero

— shinsou has two beauty marks right under his collarbone and denki turns it into a smiley

> kami got their first tattoo in middle school: it was a really simple lightning bolt on his ribs and its almost completely faded

— sero revamped it and now he likes it a lot more :)

> kami also has a little rocketship on his other side, bc hitsoshi kept doodling them all over their homework and he liked them

> seros the last one of them to let his bfs tattoo them and when he finally gives in they take two weeks to craft the perfect design and practice on like,, fruit

— the end result is a collaboration between shin and denki: a litte spiderman on a skateboard saying rad and he loves it

— he pays them in hoodies and kisses

• shinsou is The One With The Tiddies and their bfs fucking love it

> sero's tired? oh would you look at that: free pillows

• they all really like each others hair 

> as i said theyre stylish mfs 

• sero's a good dancer and its very hot

> mina once gets him to join her and hitoshi and denki are so flustered by the end of it

( > its a huge ego boost for him )

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