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like the mildest timeskip spoilers bc i love msby

somehow this became mostly atsumu. im sorry. he visited my brain once and he now lives there i can't help it.

i used they/them pronouns for kita bc i hc them as non binary :)

• they all had a crush on kita at some point, we already know that but the twins also had a huge crush on aran when they first met him

> osamu figured out his feelings pretty early on, like he knew "okay. i definitely don't just want him to be my friend." and thanks to that he figured out his sexuality (woo aran the gay awakening)

> atsumu on the other hand? absolutely fucking clueless. it took him making out with a guy at a party on a dare to realize maybe (maybe) i do like guys too. so one day they're like talking about childhood memories with aran or whatever and atsumu just goes "yeah, i really wanted to be yer friend. you were so cool cuz you were older and from america! and you were so good at volleyball too—holy shit i think had a crush on you!"

and aran and osamu are like,, no shit.

• so yeah anyways the miya twins have the same type and they both hate it

> still convinced that bokuto is the one who pointed it out to atsumu post timeskip

• inarizaki members who look like they can drive and can actually drive: kita, aran, akagi

inarizaki members who look like they can't drive but can actually drive: ginjima

inarizaki members who look like they can drive but actually can't: osamu, oomimi

inarizaki members who look like they can't drive and actually can't: atsumu, suna

• osamu can do a really good atsumu impression and before they dyed their hair he would do it all the time to fuck with people

> he has literally never been caught

• clueless atsumu also makes me think that he didn't realize he was just really into shouyou at nationals. like he does his whole "he's so cool. let me copy his attack." and "i'm gonna set fer you one day." and peacefully goes to sleep. then the next day reality sets in and he's like "how could i be so forward he's gonna think i'm so weird." and the team teases him for it

> they meet again at nationals in his third year and somehow hinata has become hot? frankly, atsumu can't deal (inarizaki still kicks karasunos asses)

— his excited comments at seeing that atsumu is now captain that his sets are still amazing don't help at all

> then shouyou joins msby after brazil and "fuckin' hell, 'samu, i literally want to take a bite out of those thighs. and his ass in his practice shorts? unreal. he's so fuckin' hot i can't handle this. how am i supposed to play when he's tan—"

"i'm hanging up now."

"wait! 'samu—"

• suna sells videos of the twins' fights

• kita is surprisingly not the one who texts like holt from b99. it's oomimi.

> its purposeful though and he does it in a very passive-aggressive way, so his texts look like this:

Dear Teammates, 

We keep recieving noise complaints from some of the other sports teams, who train in the gyms next to ours. If you could all avoid fistfighting, using the volleyball baskets as vehicles, tainting the sactity of our club room with whatever it is Osamu and Rintarou get up to alone there during class hours, impromptu musical numbers in the showers and stealing each others clothes that would be great.

Let's continue to work well together before I inevitably snap and have Kita kick you all off the team.

Sincerely, Oomimi Ren

• ginjima is a secretly a dnd nerd

> he plays magic: the gathering with osamu and the third years

> he has a bunch of fancy dice and atsumu fucking loves them he thinks theyre so cool

— so now atsumu has a bunch of dnd dice that he never uses bc he doesn't play dnd. he refuses to get rid of them though.

• suna and atsumu kissed once on a dare and they never speak of it. ever.

> unless suna wants to bully atsumu for being a shitty kisser (he wasn't actually that bad but suna's not missing out on his well earned credibility)

• atsumu is the only person on the team who confesses and asks kita out while in high school. it can go one of three ways:

> kita politely declines his confession and they move on from it (it stings a lot, but atsumu keeps his head up)

> kita politely declines in high school, but they both grow into their own and stay in touch and kita realizes that maybe they would be good together. kita asks atsumu out when they're older (and he says yes)

> to absolutely everyone's surprise, kita says yes. the date goes well and atsumu tries his absolute hardest to be the best boyfriend (boyfriend!) for kita, because they deserve it. but also kita telling him he doesn't have to always try to be perfect, because he shouldn't change who he is for someone else and that they fell for atsumu including his imperfections, not inspite of them. 

— "—i really like ya, kita-san. and i'd like to take you out, if yer up for it?"

"i'd like that, atsumu-kun."

"i accept yer kind re—what?"

"i really would like t'go on that date with ya."

"i—that's great! um, there's this carnival this weekend, maybe we could go? it might be busy, but it'll probably be nice."

"i'm free this weekend."

"cool! uh, i gotta get ta class right now, but i'll textcha the details later, okay?"

"of course. have fun in class, atsumu-kun. i'm lookin' forward to that date."

• aran is a stress-eater, and one time before a big match the team found him just shoveling like,, piles and piles of spaghetti into his mouth

> suna turned it into a meme and they use it in their gc all the time

• oomimi is in a book club with a bunch of middle aged ladies from his neighborhood and he really likes it

• kita listens to true crime podcasts bc they think its interesting 

> you get into a car with them and it's nice and peaceful and then their spotify starts autoplaying like: "the murder of jon-benet ramsey"

• aran and kita give me cute grandparent vibes. like they wear cardigans and have a cat and read and just enjoy their evening together. they're just very sweet and domestic from the moment they get together.

• atsumu forces them all to come to his v-league debut

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