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welcome to me being my own content creator.

i used they/them for yamaguchi, he/they for hinata

timeskip spoilers

yamayama + tsukihina

• i'm doing them together bc something about 3rd year yamayama and 3rd year tsukihina hits different 

• i imagine tsukishima and hinata got together first, bc while tsukki would repress the fuck out of whatever crush he has, shouyou is a go getter so he told tsukki as soon as he realized his feelings

> it worked out, and they got together, except they keep their relationship a secret bc they don't want it to mess up team dynamics or anything

> but then yams and kags found them in a very compromising position at tsukkis (they had a study session) and they told them

• yams and kags start spending a lot of time together (yk captain/vice captain and all that) and they catch feelings, except neither of them know how to adress it so they just pine

> tsukki and hinata notice, and meddle quite a bit to get them to confess

• anywho just when they're about to give up yams and kags walk into practice one morning holding hands, the cutest little smiles on their faces and maybe they would've figured it out on their own

• anywho they go on double dates bc they're cute like that

> their first few attempts at it go disastrously (bc tsukki is an instigator and kags and hinata are both volleyball idiots) but eventually they get used to it and it becomes a really cute habit

> yachi and her then gf would join sometimes

• yams and kags have matching charms on their phone cases 

> yamaguchi got them, and it was the first gift they ever got for kags (yk,, as bfs) and kageyama was very blushy about it

• tsukki and hinata have each other as their phone backgrounds

> hinata did it first bc he wanted to be cute and tsukki didnt want to bc he thought it was weird, so shouyou started stealing his phone and kept changing kei's background to a dumb selfie of himself or both of them

— at some point tsukki got sick of the dumb selfies and just put a picture of hinata he actually likes (it's hinata smiling, bright and wide, looking past the camera at tsukishima. he loves it). they now have matching backgrounds.

> "what the fuck is that?"

"what? oh! it's us! you know, from when we went for ramen last week?"

"i know that. now, why?"

"well you looked good! we looked good. it's a nice picture. so i put it as my background."

"...that's creepy."

"it's not creepy, it's cute! a cute boyfriend thing."

"a cute boyfriend thing?"

"yes. and maybe if you appreciated your cute boyfriend the same way i do we wouldn't be having this conversation."

"i can appreciate you without having a picture of you staring back at me at all times."

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