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i've decided to remake my hiakyuu sexuality headcanons for the sake of my changed opinions and doing things properly.

spoilers: this is super queer, more so than the first one.

enjoy :)


• daichi: bi as fuck. reputation of the functional bi, will however stop computing the moment anyone cute with a mole shows up. transmasc, he/she/they

> tired boyfriend of one (1) instigator gemini like mans cant catch a break but sugas pretty and kisses him so

• sugawara: gay. the type to give all the first years queer sex ed just to laugh at how embarrassed they get. also non binary, they/he suga

• asahi: pan :). umm nonbinary/genderfluid asahi rights, he/she 

> (y'all know i love myself some good asanoya) noya switches between calling her his girlfriend/boyfriend and makes sure to use feminine terms when he realizes someone is only using he

— the first time noya calls asahi his girlfriend he nearly cries wow she felt very validated (esp since he was really scared to come out to him)

• noya: bi, but we knew that. a trans man, he/him

• tanaka! a bisexual, he/him

> bisexual kiyotana guys

( — t4t kiyotana you guys )

> practicing wlw saeko made sure to educate him well on queer matters and mans fucking represents

> oh also: make up tanaka!! make up tanaka guys!!

— drag enthusiast

• ennoshita: gay, he/him for now but like,, very questioning

> somewhere on the aroace spectrum 

• kinoshita: bi (dating narita), he/him trans guy

• narita: gay (dating kinoshita), cis guy he/him

•  kags: like,, sooo gay dude, but he probably doesn't realize it for wayy too long. also bigender but also didn't realiize that for a while, he/she

• hinata: omni!! also,, he/they hinata? are yall rockin with  he/they transguy shouyou?

• tsukki: gay lol, i dont even have a joke for this one. umm cis guy, he/him, but like, supes knowledgable on gender theory and shit bc of his lovely bf

• yamaguchi: bi! also,, non binary yamaguchi. non binary punk yamaguchi, you feel me? like,, yup they/she/he

> they'll enjoy the occaisonal she when they're feeling extra femme or pretty and sometimes even a he sounds nice and comfy for them, but they mainly stick to they

• ukai: gay, married to takeda (his aunts finally get off his back), cis he/him

• takeda: gay, married to ukai, trans he/him

• kiyoko: bi :), she/her

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