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in honor of season 4 coming out (haha) and also pride month, here's me returning from the dead with more sexuality hc's because i realized i don't think a single person in this show is straight (vecna = homophobic confirmed)

s4 spoilers probably

the party

• will: mans is gay as fuck im sorry

> here i was convinced he was finally gonna get over mike this season, maybe get himself a bf now that hes in cali ... but NO

— the scene of him coming out to jonathan was everything though

> he's literally my fav character why do the duffer bros keep treating him like Shit?

— they forgot his birthday >:(

• mike: gay gay homosexual gay

> has a lot of (internalized) homophobia to work through its gonna take a while

> also kind of a cringefail loser (affectionate)

— beggars cant be chosers but im not accepting byler unless this man is on his knees will deserves The World

> the finn wolfhard effect

• el: bi or pan :)) 

> elmax gfs canon


> the biggest ally genuinely so interested in learning about the queer community and helping out 

— any party member: *comes out*

dustin: that's what i'm talking about! this is what we want to see!

> whats the point if he doesnt become the no. 1 lesbian protector?

— mans does a full 180 after robin comes out to him

> he has no gaydar (canon)

• lucas: literally bisexual i don't make the rules 

> like so bisexual

> him and will should kiss lowkey

— post coming out they flirt A Lot

— it drives mike insane its hilarious 

> lowk had (has) a crush on steve

— him and max bond about it (they make fun of each other for it)

• max: bisexual

> after s3 i hc'ed her as a lesbian, but s4 fully reawakened my love for lumax they were So Good this season if they aren't endgame what is the truth

— so yeah bi4bi lumax :))

— or even better bi4bi4bi ELUMAX CANON

the older teens? (like all of them are out of high school rn what do i call them)

• nancy: bisexual!! and somewhat functional abt being queer unlike her brother 

> nvm remembered the weird stancy arc

— outing myself as a stancy hater rn

— jancy was fine why are we moving in this direction. why stancy when Ronance is Right There

> anyways also polyamorous incase you were wondering (i think this would solve several problems)

• johnathan: unlabeled and polyam

> if only they knew

> the unlabled goes for everything, like sexuality, gender, who tf knows? mans is just tryna light up

• steve: bisexual. the moment this man realizes he can kiss dudes too its over for him


> and shes autistic??? i love sm

• eddie: gae

> mans is Not Straight at all (looking at u handkerchief) and i feel so bad that he and chrissy couldnt become friends?? whats the point??

— rip chrissy i love u sm :(

• chrissy: a lesbian fuck you jason

• argyle: unlabled, has kissed jonathan b4

> prolly kissing jonathan rn lbr

• eden: i sure hope she isn't straight oh my god

• vickie: bi and canon ayooooo

> 2seconds of screentime and yet she still ate

the adults

• joyce: identifies as straight, had a gf in college

> do with this information what you will

• hopper: straight white man

> for the gays!

• murray: gay white man

• alexei: gay white man

> what he and murray had was so real istg

> miss him every day :"(

• antonov: bisexual. 

> those looks he gave hopper were a lil ... 

> i know what u are

• karen: milf

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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