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mostly set somewhere during canon, bc imo they got together in high school. 

slight manga spoilers

• nobody knows when or how they got together, noya just started yelling about how hot asahi is more often and the team eventually caught on

> asahi gets really flustered when he does

> daichi and suga make fun of him for it

• they're long distance a lot of the time bc of noya's travels

• they're the first ones to get engaged (to nobody's surprise)

> noya has been saying they'll be together forever since high school and just saw marriage as something that he and asahi would eventually do

> he's still surprised when asahi gets down on one knee on his 21st birthday 

• daichi is asahis best man and tanaka is noyas

> in noyas words "who else would it be?"

• while their height difference is cute in theory, noya didn't like it at first because it made kissing (standing up) more difficult than necessary 

> both of them had to crane their necks to get close and it was always uncomfortable for one or the both of them, until one time noya got so frustrated that he just jumped up onto asahi instead of reaching up. to his surprise, asahi caught him easily, strong arms holding him up by his legs, enabling noya to kiss asahi comfortably

> ever since then noya just jumps onto asahi when he wants kisses

• daichi and suga tease asahi about how much he stares at noya during practice

• noya compliments asahi all the time

• noya is a very restless sleeper, unless hes sleeping next to asahi. he'll just cling onto him somewhere and stay there.

> tanaka takes personal offense to this

• tanaka gave asahi the shovel talk

> it worked bc asahi was very scared

• i feel like daichi and suga caught onto asahi's crush on noya pretty quickly

• noya insists on kissing asahi at midnight on new years every year because "is there a better way to start not only your birthday but another year together?"

• impromptu piggy back rides !!

> they both love it and they just giggle and beam at each other while noya pretends hes a knight riding on his back

— "hinforth, mighty steed!"

• asahi likes having his hair played with and noya always tries to style it for him

> he then sends pictures of asahis incredible updos to daichi and suga to rate

• the aren't huge on hand holding, but noya sometimes plays with asahis hands when they're cuddling

• on second thought, noya definitely pulled the "lets compare hand sizes!" during practice once and daichi and suga watched as their red faced friend curled the tips of his fingers over noyas, who simply beamed at him and shouted out in amazement

> noya started calling people over like "look at how big asahi-san's hands are!" meanwhile asahis face is burning bc suga keeps winking at him and thats never a good sign:

"hey noya! you know what they say about guys with big hands..."

— daichi chokes, asahi sputters, tanaka cackles and pats him on the back roughly, tsukishima makes a vaguely disgusted noise, kageyama doesnt get it and noya just:

"i don't, but i'm sure he'll show me what it means."

how asahi hasn't died yet is unclear.

• in another moment of noyas shitty attempts flirting, he started encouragingly smacking asahis ass during practices and games

> "nice serve!" *smack*

> suga thinks its fucking hilarious and he tries it out on daichi

> ukai for one cannot deal with these teenagers stupid shit

• asahi teases noya for always going to bed so early

• whenever noya is singing along to some song, he always turns around, points to asahi and sings it to him

> he'll make a whole show out of it

— their apartment is his stage

• during the winter, noya likes stealing asahis clothes, like jackets, gloves, hats, SCARVES

> he insists its because they're warmer than his own

— asahi can't even complain bc how could he when hes blessed with the sight of snow covered noya wearing a too big scarf and hat

• they go hiking together on dates

• noya is super protective of asahi and he has probably gotten into fights because of this

• asahis confession was very soft and calm and sweet and noyas response was breaking out into a grin, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him senseless

> noya 100% knew that asahi liked him before, but he wanted asahi figure himself out before they started anything

> so when asahi finally confessed it was just a simple "yes, i know. me too."

> its bc they are tender together

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