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includes: more friendship !! a healthy amount of tanakiyo bc i love them !! also,, uhh slight timeskip spoilers

• this motherfucker is friends with everyone. esp the people he's fought with.

> he has the most connections to people from other volleyball teams 

> incomplete list of slightly unexpected but not really people hes friends with: kyoutani, yamaguchi (i think they would be buds (:), alisa haiba, terushima, watari, fukunaga, kunimi, koganegawa

• he is a surprisingly good kisser

• he is a lot of peoples go to for when they need to vent

• got into a fight with someone who was saying homophobic shit about yachi and noya in his third year

> he won. he also got suspended. it was worth it.

> yachi patched him up after

> kiyoko was very very worried about him when yachi told her about it

• gave yamaguchi The Jacket(tm) and the first patch to go with it

• whether hes straight or not he has made out with many a guy

> noya was his first kiss, bc they both wanted to be prepared for when they do eventually have to kiss someone they like

> when kyoutani was having his "oh my fuck i want to kiss boys! i want to kiss yahaba!" crisis, tanaka offered to kiss him incase he wanted to make sure and kyouken, surprisingly, took him up on that offer

— anywho very much liking that kiss and realizing he would've liked more if it had been yahaba is what made kyoutani realize his sexuality 

> he made out with both terushima and koganegawa at parties

— kogane happened during spin the bottle but im not entirely sure teru did too

> he was dared to kiss the prettiest person in the room and (seeing as kiyoko wasnt there) he asked suga for permission to kiss him

— he then kissed daichi as a follow up bc he was pouting and tanaka thought it would be funny

• he brings kiyoko flowers to every date

• he's noyas best man when he and asahi get married !!

• noya's his best man when he and kiyoko get married !!

• he is so good with kids

> natsu comes to one of their games once and she loves him !!

> he'd be such a good father

• he owns a motorcycle he can not drive

• he is however a very very good driver

> he gets pretty bad road rage though

> and he blasts his music at full volume with the windows down, shouting the lyrics and really feeling himself

• he doesnt drink coffee

> he doesnt like the taste

> but he still makes kiyoko coffee every morning and he even practiced to make sure he got it perfect

• he consumes wayy too much protein powder

> working as a personal trainer just feeds his addiction

• he and noya have been banned from exactly three grocery stores 

• he cried when he found out that hinata requested to be number 5 in his third year in his honour

• he was one of the biggest advocates for yamaguchi to become captain 

• he is so good at hyping people up he will always cheer the loudest, no matter who its for

• i feel like he and noya have dressed up as each other for halloween 

• he secretly listens to kpop

> he tries to learn the dances but fails

• speaking of his music taste, its definitely,, multifaceted

> i think he unironically listens to pitbull. he knows every word to every one of his songs

> again, kpop

> russian punk? of course

> he picks up on a bit of spanish from listening to reggaeton

> hes a taylor swift stan

> dad rock bc how could he not

> some hyperpop bc noya got him into it

• he only has one playlist. its a wild ride.

> since he always plays music when he drives, kiyoko found out about this when he drove her home after their fifth date

— she was caught off guard by it at first, but she warmed up to it quickly bc she realized how unbelievably tanaka it is to be so unapologetic and open about what he likes

— she told him this when he made some comment about how she was never off put by his music taste to tsukishima. he asked her to marry him again.

• throughout their entire relationship, tanaka asking kiyoko to marry him became sort of a joke, with him saying "marry me" out of the blue becoming normal, with kiyoko usually just waving it off or laughing and kissing him

> that is until their second anniversary, when tanaka got down on one knee at the park where they had their first date, when kiyoko finally said yes before kissing him

• he's the type of guy who not only listens to every song rec he gets, but also adds it to his playlist

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