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• another couple that dated for the longest time without anyone knowing

> i like to imagine they got together inbetween their first and second year but the team didn't really notice until halfway through their second year

• tsukki already knew he liked yamaguchi but he was scared it would ruin their friendship so he didn't act on it

> seeing how well kenma and kuroo turned out is what made him rethink that

— he later found out that they weren't even dating at the time he thought that

•  tsukki confessed first but yamaguchi initiated their first kiss 

• yamaguchi flirts with tsukki all the time and tsukki always gets flustered by it

> the team tries to tease tsukki about it but as soon as they speak up he goes back to his intimidating,  apathetic self

• they aren't huge on pda but they're both super physical when they're alone

> this usually involves lots of making out, cuddling and lap sitting

• they have sleepovers all the time and they usually just share a bed since they've been doing it since childhood 

> it was most awkward right before they got together when they were in that "fuck we're so close i wanna kiss him so bad" phase

• tsukki loves loves lOVES yamaguchis freckles

> he could go on about them for hours

— he does when kuroo gets him drunk on his 18th birthday 

> when they were younger tsukki would try to find constellations in them to make yamaguchi like them more

> he kisses them all!! the!! time!!

— it's his life goal to kiss every single freckle on yamaguchis body to show him how much he loves them and how beautiful yamaguchi is

• tsukki wants yamaguchi to see how beautiful he is bc "fUck he's so beautiful why can't he just see it!"

• one of my favorite hcs is that yamaguchi gets ridiculously hot during his high school career and that it helps his confidence a lot

> he grows his hair out, gets his ears (and maybe tongue) pierced, gets super into skin care thanks to yachi and gains enough confidence to go from awkward tall to hot tall

> anywho imagine being tsukki and just witnessing your childhood best friend turned boyfriend's steady glow up and basically what i'm trying to get at is that tsukki finds this incredibly attractive and he finds himself getting increasingly more flustered around yams

• elaborating on the hair thing: yamaguchi starts tying it up in their second year as it gets longer, and yams with his hair up is one of tsukki's biggest turn ons

> at first its just when its windy or when he's writing something but then he starts tying it up during runs and practice and by his third year he just has it up for no reason and tsukki is so distracted and yams! notices!

> so imagine: one day they're at tsukki's. they're alone, homework has long been abandoned and things are kinda heated. yams is getting ready to go down on tsukki and right before he gets started he takes a moment to tie his hair up. tsukki almost dies then and there.

• when yams finds out he's being considered for captain at the end of their second year tsukki is the first person he tells about it

> yamaguchi does become captain in his third year bc i said so

• yamaguchi really has a thing for tsukki's hands and it gets worse when tsukki starts taping them up more regularly during their second year

> unlike tsukki, yamaguchi tells him about it p much right away and they both very much enjoy how tsukki decides to deal with this newly acquired information (;

> additionally he starts holding yamaguchi's hands more often and they both know what he's doing but they aren't complaining 

• he also has a thing for glasses and tsukki teases him about that a lot

> because of this, yams has decided to take the fact that he really likes blond(e)s to his grave

• they're the kind of couple that exchanges mixtapes

> they show each other songs à la "i heard this and i thought of you"

• yamaguchi gets tsukki a dinosaur plushie every year for his birthday

• they have matching key chains and matching phone cases

• yams likes wearing tsukki's clothes

• he also really likes buying tsukki things

• they didn't really go out on dates when they first got together (since they already spent so much time together) but they when they did start going out together they found that they really enjoyed it, even if it was just something small like getting coffee together

• akiteru is the only person who can tease them about their relationship without fearing for his life

• they don't really have nicknames for each other (except for the obvious "tsukki") but they do call each other by their given names

> yamaguchi calls him tsukki at school and around the team and kei when they're alone

> at first tsukki only calls yamaguchi tadashi when they're alone but he keeps letting it slip so he just ends up calling him tadashi all the time

— it flusters yamaguchi a lot

• yamaguchi unconsciously brags about how good tsukki is

> this applies to everything, from his blocks to his grades to how good a boyfriend he is

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