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includes: erasermic family! cats! class 1a shenanigans! shinkami!

• very married, but their students didn't know

> they knew that mic was in a relationship, since he occasionally talked about "his favorite listener" on his radio show or in class 

> they had no idea about aizawa, but most of the students assumed he was single

• the students find out of course, because how could they not

> they are very supportive however thay also bombard them with questions 

> a bit after finding out, jirou came up to mic and thanked him for being so honest with the class and always being so open about his sexuality and told him that knowing about them made her hopeful that she could be a successful pro hero and married to a woman she loves. hizashi did not forget to tell shouta that later.

— they both cried a little bit. it was nice.

• hizazhi wears his ring on his finger, but he takes it off at work

• shouta wears his on a chain around his neck, underneath his scarf

• they didn't get together until they were pros

> they were like,, 22,, and in their living room, just talking and drinking together. they were laughing about some story from high school, except they aren't laughing anymore and mic is staring af him with softest smile on his face. aizawa can't tell if his face is just flushed from the wine anymore. mic realizes he's been caught staring and just as he opens his mouth to dismiss it, shouta blurts out an "i've been in love with you since we were seventeen"

> what happened next is kind of a blur for both of them, but the next day they woke up curled together on their couch, with a note taped to their coffee table reading:

"dear sober shouta and hizashi (me :D), 

you are in LOVE. please dont forget that. i never wanna stop kissing shota. he wants to say something too. 

dear sober shota,

yes, 'zazhi's hair is as soft as you thought. no he didnt make out with that girl he liked behind the school in second year. kissing him is better than you would have imagined. he promised to get us a cat. dont let him forget that

love, drunk (and wayyy cooler and in love) hizashi and shouta

• they say "i'm here" instead of "it'll be okay" because after far too many near death experiences on both ends, it's just far more reassuring 

• they have three cats 

> their names are snowball, larry and jellybean

— eri got cat naming rights

— imagine 1-a find a cute fluffy white cat around the dorms one day, and they're frantically trying to care for it and find the owner, and at the end of the day a very tired aizawa finds them all huddled over, trying to hide the cat and aizawa having to explain "yes, this is my cat. yes, her name is snowball. no, i did not name her. if you don't head back to your rooms right now i'm expelling all of you its past curfew."

• they are both really busy, with working three jobs and having to take care of a little girl, a teenager and three cats, so off days where they get to sleep in and just spend the day grading papers at home with their family and each other are their favourites

> eri always insists on making them breakfast in bed when they get to stay home (shinsou helps her of course)

> since the students know how much they work they help out by taking turns babysitting eri

— she has favourites and always asks when they'll come over

• shouta likes playing with hizashis hair when its down

> "its therapeutic"

• they practice styling eris hair on each other

• inspite of aizawas "shinsou, don't date loud blonds" rule he actually secretly really likes kaminari and is really proud that his son found someone who makes him happy

• mic on the other hand, doesnt hide his approval. he and denki get along swimmingly. 

• hizashi held shouta's hand throughout the entirety of their graduation ceremony

( > he does the same thing the year class 1-a (or ig 3-a) graduates )

• shouta actually really likes listening to mics radio show (esp whem hes grading papers)

> he listens to it when mic's not home and he misses him

> he smiles every time mic mentions "his favourite listener"

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