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includes: siblings!will&el, (implied) jopper, homophobic mike wheeler + mileven (just at the beginning dw), platonic besties!lumax and some harringrove 

set after s3

- el first learns the term gay when will comes out to her

- her first question after he explains it is:

"wait so its not normal for me to like girls?"

- and will is like what about mike

- and el explains that she definitely likes boys, but she also likes girls the same way and thats the end of it 

( - she may or may have not compared wanting to kiss mike and wanting to kiss max )

- and will (bless his soul) decides to do some research bc he didnt know that people could like both and after some deep digging and consultation with robin and billy he discovers the term bisexual

- el is so excited when she learns that new word (she has all my uwus)

- so, she decides to "come out" to hopper and joyce (another term she learned from will)

- hoppers really surprised at first but he assures her that he will always love her no matter who she wants to be with

( - his biggest concerns regarding her bisexuality is "joyce, how am i supposed to tell if she brings home a friend of a girlfriend?" "should i give her the shovel talk too?" "wait this means there are more people who could break my babys heart, nO" "girls can be cruel, joyce i know what im talking about." "what do you mean i wont have to worry about her getting pREGNANT, JOYCE!")

- joyce obvi is super accepting (dont tell me she wouldnt try to find el a gf after her inevitable dumping of mike)

( - she also partially comes out to show will that he has nothing to be afraid of )

- anyways, she comes out to the party next, while they were hanging out in mikes basement one night

- lucas seems like he had an epiphany when she told him (regarding the whole you can like both thing)

- max is just,, really quiet and can't seem to meet her eyes after el says it

- dustin is really excited and immediately wants to introduce her to robin (not to date but to show them theyre not alone)

- homophobic king mike wheeler cant seem to grasp the concept of el peacefully liking both and says shes just confused bc she lived in the lab for so long and doesnt cant differentiate between platonic and romantic love

- she dumps him for the second and last time that night, again in front of the whole party, this time with support from all of them as well

- she leaves and will follows her (not before coming out to mike quietly with a look of disappointment on his face)

- lucas leaves next bc he honestly expected better from mike 

- max leaves without saying anything (she feels really bad for not standing up for el)

- dustin stays for a bit and tries to explain what mike did wrong bc mike really just doesnt understand 

- his attempt fails and he leaves disappointed aswell

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