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i just saw that we recently hit 2k reads? that's absolutely insane thank you all so much !!

in honor of sk8 ending, have some renga.

please enjoy :)

• langa stares at reki a lot

> sometimes he loses track of what reki's saying bc he's too caught up in studying reki's face and listening to the pleasant sound of reki's voice

> when they're together and reki's drawing something langa always just, watches him. bc he's nice to look at and it's peaceful to just sit together in silence 

• when they kiss, langa is a face holder, whereas reki is a waist holder

> reki likes slipping his hands under langas shirts when he pulls him closer bc hes cheeky like that

> again sometimes langa will pull reki close, not even to kiss him, but just to admire his face and try to commit every single detail to memory 

— langa tells him as much, when reki asks him why he does it. he does not cope well with the answer (he blushes so hard).

• reki's sisters paint their nails

• when they sit next to each other, they're always fully pressed up against each other: i'm talking thigh to thigh, shoulder to shoulder bc they're both clingy as hell

• they also cuddle a lot and they routinely switch spoons bc langa can't decide whether he prefers having

a. reki all curled up, snuggled up against his chest


b. reki wrapped around him, while one hand gently cards through his hair

• ms hasegawa thought they were dating before they got together, but reki didn't know, so it was just a flustered langa introducing his mom, who keeps looking at him funny vs a really confused reki

> the first time she meets reki, once he's left after dinner, she gives langa a very awkward and embarrassing Talk, ft. pamphlets and a horrified langa

— she's just trying to do her best

• both of them run cold which essentially is just another excuse for them to cuddle and reki to give langa half of his hoodies

• langa likes giving reki hickeys

> he becomes an absolute menace from the first time reki lets him kiss his neck

> its not even a sexual thing. i mean, they make out and stuff (they are teenage boys after all) but half the time the marks are from when they were just laying together, wrapped up and langa decides he must attack

> it does not help soothe any suspicions the adults in their lives have

• reki is the one to tell langa he has an accent and poor langa is very upset about it, because "have i really been mispronouncing things all this time?"

> reki assures him that it's fine, he doesn't mispronounce anything and it gives him that foreign charm yk

> he still asks his mom about it, bc how dare she not tell him

• at first, reki always insisted on paying for their dates bc he has to be a gentleman 

> langa argued that he also has to be a gentleman, so now they just pay for the other person's food

> it makes absolutely no sense to anyone around them, but they know each others orders by heart at every place they go so

> once, reki gets sick and langa goes to s and a&w with everyone, but without reki, and he gets reki's order out of habit

— he doesn't even notice until they serve it

• they got their ears pierced together and they wear matching earrings

> langa gets an industrial and reki stops functioning when he sees it

• when reki realized he liked langa in a more than a friend type way, it hit him really fast, all at once, and he could not deal

> he was half assing his homework one day and he thought to himself "i wish langa were here so we could watch skate videos together and i could see him light up in awe about some trick he wants to learn. wait—" 

> he did not end up finishing his homework because he was to busy agonizing about the whole being in love with your best friend with whom you share everything and god even when he sleeps over we share a fucking bed how am i supposed to handle this

• reki inevitably tells langa about his cindereki dream and langa finds it hilarious it's his favorite thing

> the s squad has a movie night and miya asks what everyone wants to watch. without fail langa will say (a different version of) cinderella every time 

> ever since then langa insists on reki only buying and using cinderella themed bandaids

— if there's one with cinderella on it and reki uses it to bandage langa up he'll go "look, it's you."

— once, they get one with the cinderella and prince charming dancing together. langa let's out a little gasp when he sees it and goes "look, it's us!"

• i think that in the future reki gets a few tattoos (designed by himself) and langa really likes them

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