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I walked to my room and shut the door behind me. I slid down the door and sat down, leaning my back on it. I let my butterflies take over and I was blushing like crazy.

I was thinking about what to wear, how to do my hair, and what shoes to wear. I take a deep breath and stand up. I walk to my closet and look through it for awhile.

I finally choose an outfit. (whatever your favorite outfit is, or whatever you'd want to wear)

I put on the clothes and look in the mirror to make sure I looked nice. I went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup (makeup is optional).

I got a text from Katsuki, telling me he was here to pick me up. I walked downstairs and opened the door. His eyes widened as he looked me up and down.

"You look...um, pretty." he says not knowing how to compliment.

"Thanks." I say and walk out the door, shutting it behind me. I intertwine my fingers with his but he pulls away because his hands were sweaty.

I smile at him and he kisses my forehead.

"Here." he says handing me an earbud. I take it and put it into my ear. I look over at his phone to see what he was playing and he turns on a playlist that says, 'Y/n's favorite songs'.

I blush as he pushes play and all my favorite songs start playing.

"You made a playlist for me?" I say blushing.

"Yeah..." he says quietly and his face turns pink. My heart melts at his love language.

We listen to all my favorite songs as he leads me into town. We keep walking and I can see my favorite drink spot in sight.

I gasp and say, "WE'RE GETTING (favorite drink spot)?!"

"Yeah, get whatever you want." he says and I run to the door and get in the line.

I stare at the menu, even though I already knew what I wanted. He walks in the door behind me and stands in line with me. He hugs me from the back as I wait in line. He kisses the top of my head and rests his chin on top of my head. I smile at him, and he lets go when it was our turn to order.

We both order and we walk out the store.

"Thank you Katsuki!" I say drinking my drink.

"Yeah whatever." he says.

"Lets go." he says.

"Oh okay!" I say and get up and we walk to a nearby shopping plaza. I was exited to see where he'd take me next.

He takes me to f/s (favorite store) and to cute little thrift stores and jewelry stores.

He took pictures of me while I was looking at clothes and jewelry. He posted the pictures on his story and continued to watch me shop. He took me to all the places I loved that he would never go to on his own.

He bought me all my jewelry and clothes.

"You look beautiful." he said as we were walking around the plaza.

"You think so?" I ask him blushing at his compliment.

"Of course." he says and pushes a misplaced hair behind my ear.

"You didn't have to do all this." I say.

"The nights not over yet." he says smirking.

"Really?!" I say excitedly.

"Yeah, you're going on a date with Katsuki Bakugou. It's gonna be the best date you'll ever go on." he says.

"Alright Katsuki." I say smiling and laughing.

Two Hotheads (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now