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I get ready for my Night Patrol with Bakugo and start heading out the door.

"What if this whole thing goes terrible? What if he tells me he has another girlfriend? What if he tells me he still loves me? What if-" I start rambling as to Azar as I'm getting ready.

"Stop with the what if's. At the end of your day, this is your job and unfortunately you got partnered with your ex, that you're still in love with, and have never been able to move on no matter how many one night sta-" Azar says.

"Oh shut up. You're right and I don't like it." I say.

"Shit I have to be there in 20 minutes." I say looking at the time.

I rush out the door and hop into my car. I speed down the highway and get to my destination just in time.

"Hey Y/n." He says.

"Hey Bakugo. Sorry I barely made it here, I know your a fan of always being early." I say.

"It's cool, let's get to work." he says.

"We're gonna start in downtown and then make our way to the outskirts and come back into the city." he says giving me the plans.

"Ok cool." I say.

We start walking and at first there's a long awkward silence.

"How've you be-"

"So, the gal-"

We both say at the same time.

I laugh and he makes a smile.

"So, how have you been?" he asks me.

Terrible. Heart-broken. Hurting. But I would never be vulnerable and weak around you, especially right now, when our relationship isnt even a friendship.

"Pretty good. Busy. Being a hero isn't as chill as Keigo made it out to be." I say.

"Yeah, it's a busy business. How is Keigo?"

"He's doing good, we actually have some plans to hang out in a couple days." I say.

"That's great." he says.

I can tell he's faking this nice guy act. Pretending he cares, I mean maybe he does and this is his way of getting to know me again.

"How's your mom? I miss her." I ask.

"That old hag? She misses you more than she misses me. Everytime I come home she gets mad it's me and not you, or that you're not there with me." He says and I chuckle.

"Maybe I'll come by sometime." I say.

After talking about our new lives, and reminiscing on the past, there was a comfortable silence between us.

"Y/n. I know our breakup was harsh, it was the first time I actually was sad for months. And no matter how many one night stands I have or dates I go on-"

"You cant move on." I say as finish his sentence.

I look at the ground, avoiding eye contact.

"The hero life is as busy as I thought, but after a rough day, I want to come home to you. I want to make dinner for you. I want to wake up next to you."
he says.

Why are you being so. . .  vulnerable?

The you I know is never this vulnerable.

Vulnerability to you, even with your partner, is a sign of weakness.

I'm speechless. Of course I feel the same way, but do I want to tell him that? He's such a jackass.

"You don't feel the same way." he says.

"No. No, I do feel the same way. I didn't want to admit it, but I do. It hurt so bad when we split. I never want to feel that way again." I say.

He intertwines our fingers together and it feels like we were back in UA.

I looked up at him and smiled.

"I missed this. I missed us. I missed you." I say.

"Even though your an asshole." I say and laugh.

"I'm an asshole? Do you know how much of a stubborn jackass you are?" he says laughing in disbelief.

"I could never be a stubborn jackass. I'm utterly perfect." I say batting my eyes.

The rest of our time together during night patrol went by incredibly fast. It felt like we were two teenagers again.

My heart ached for this.

"Night Katsuki." I say as I get into my car.

"Night dumbass." he replies.

"Wait!" he says right before I drive off.

"Gala tomorrow? You? Me?" he asks.

"I already have a date." I say winking and I can see the anger flood into his face.

"See ya Katsuki!"

Two Hotheads (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now