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It was the night of the gala.

I looked absolutely stunning in my dress, and Sero's suit looked amazing on him.

"God we are so hot." I say as we're staring into the mirror, obsessing over ourselves.

"I know. If I could, I'd fuck myself." he says and I burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! We have to go, we're gonna be late!" I say and we both run out of the house.

We speed our way over to the gala and we get there a couple minutes late.

Of course, paparazzi is there snapping photos every chance they get.

Sero and I head onto the red carpet to get some photos taken before we head inside.

"Smile and wave." I say through my smile.

"I'm not stupid." He says.

"You act like it." I say and wave to the next camera.

"Are you two our next hero power couple?"

"When did this relationship start?"

"The most unexpected couple!"

As all the reporters surround Sero and I, I can still feel the gaze of one angry male.

I look over and boom, staring directly at me and Sero in envy is our very own Katsuki Bakugo.

I look at his side, there's no woman attached at his hip.

Hmph, that's surprising.

Sero and I make our way inside and so does Bakugo.

We sit down at a table and he sits at the seat right across from mine.

I give him a dazzling smile with some charm in it.

He can barely give one back. I mean I cant expect him to, smiling isn't in his nature.

"C'mon Katsuki, aren't you happy to see me?" I say.

"Yea Bakugo, she looks real good tonight." Sero says looking me up and down and I give him a flirtatious slap on the shoulder.

"Lay off Sero, find your own woman." Bakugo says.

Surprised he said woman and not bitch.

"I did, I walked in with her." Sero says.

I give Sero a look and he knows to lay off on the smooth talk.

"A dance?" Bakugo asks.

"Of course." I say and he takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor.

"You know what you're doing. We both know." he starts.

I play stupid, "What am I doing Katsuki?"

"Bringing another man here with you, knowing I'd be here."

"You were too busy for me though, weren't you?" I say.

He breathes out heavily and says, "Yeah but I told you yesterday, I miss you, and you seem to feel the same."

"I do." I say.

"So?" he asks.

"So you tell me. What's your plan Katsuki?" I ask.

"Let's get outta here." he says.

"Fine with me."

And just like that, the two empty voids in our hearts were filled.

It was painfully obvious we both didn't know how to function without having each other in our lives.

From young kids to adults, we've always been with each other.

Living life without having each other by our sides was one of the hardest things we've had to endure, however neither of us will ever admit it, but we both know it's the truth.

"Y/n! You're back! Oh how I've missed you. Don't let this dumbass fool you, he's been an absolute wreck without you. The countless nights he's come home and cried-" Mitsuki starts.


"It's okay Katsuki, I know you can't live without me." I say teasing him.

"I hate you." he says.

"Please you could never." I say and he stays silent.

"Maybe I do kinda like you." he says shrugging.

"You asshole, you know you love me." I say.

"Fine." he says, giving in.

Being back together with him made life feel complete. I didn't miss the every morning headline news publicizing our relationship for all the world to see, but if feels good to finally be back with the person I love.

so i'm not dead... i am so sorry this has taken me so long to write. i lost all motivation to write this story. sadly, this chapter is my last. i love all of your support and love for this book. i'm also sorry this was a terrible ending. i love you guys with everything tho! muah <33

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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