Chapter 22

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Married life was going very well for both couples. Meredith and Derek had moved into a bigger apartment, and they loved it.

One morning, Derek and Meredith got out of bed and got ready for work. "You feel okay Mer?" Derek asked as he brushed his teeth. Meredith nodded sleepily. "You looked a little pale." Derek noted as he pressed his hand to her forehead. "Slight fever. Maybe you should stay home." Derek said concerned.

"I'm okay." Meredith said. Derek nodded and rubbed her back.

When they got to work, Bailey immediately sent them to work. Meredith was in the pit, while Derek was writing charts. "Mer, you feel okay?" Addison asked. "I think this intern thing is giving me an ulcer." Meredith said as she leaned on her, trying to swallow down the nauseous feeling.

"What's wrong with you Shepherd?" Bailey asked as she came over. Meredith changed her name when she and Derek got married, so now there were 2 shepherds. Confusing, right? "I'm fine." Meredith insisted as she flashed a fake smile and stood up. She swayed dizzily until Bailey reached out and helped steady her, as did Addison. Meredith hunched over and emptied the contents of her stomach all over the floor.

"Addison, get her to an exam room. I'll be there." Bailey said. Addison helped Meredith over to an empty room and got her onto the bed. She paged Derek to the room for two reasons. 1, she knew Meredith would want him there, and 2, she had a big surgery she wanted to get to.

Derek came running into the room and he frowned when he saw Meredith curled into a ball on the exam table. "What's wrong?" He asked As he came over and grabbed her hand. "She's sick. Has a fever of 103 and has been throwing up. Bailey said she'd be here in a minute." Addison replied before she left the room.

Meredith moaned as a sharp pain ran through her stomach. Derek kissed her on the side of the head and sat down on the table next to her. "You okay?" He asked. Meredith shook her head.

Bailey walked in the door a few minutes later, concerned for her intern. "You replaced Addison?" She asked. Derek nodded. "Meredith, could you be pregnant?" Bailey asked. Meredith shook her head and Derek nodded, knowing she was on her period this week.

"Are you sure?" Bailey asked. "I'm on my period." Meredith mumbled. She nodded. "Okay. Lay back. I'm gonna palpate your abdomen, tell me if you feel any pain or discomfort." Bailey said as she lifted up her young interns shirt. She gently, yet firmly pressed her hands into Merediths stomach and felt around. Derek squeezed her hand every so often to reassure her.

When Bailey reached a sore point, Meredith whimpered. "That hurt?" Bailey asked. Meredith nodded. "Have you ever had appendicitis?" She asked. Meredith shook her head. "I think it's that. We need a CT to confirm though." Bailey said. "Can I have some morphine?" Meredith asked. "I'll get it once you get settled and checked in." Bailey promised.

A half an hour later, Meredith was checked into her room, and doped up to the high heavens. "Derek, your so dreamy." Meredith said. "Thanks Mer." Derek said with a chuckle. "I love you sooooooo much." She said with a wide smile. "I love you too." Derek said softly.

"Der?" Meredith asked after a pause. "Yeah mer?" Derek asked upon hearing the sudden vulnerability in her voice. "They're going to cut me open." She said. "Are you scared? It's a simple procedure. You're going to be okay." Derek said as he brushed her hair out of her face.

"But it'll leave a scar." Meredith said quietly. "Mer, I don't care about scars. Scars are sexy." Derek said. "But it'll be right on my belly." Meredith said. "Meredith, I love every inch of your body. I love the little freckle on your neck, I love how your eyes change color depending on your mood, hell, I love everything about you. A silly scar won't change that." Derek said with a big smile. "Got it?" He asked. Meredith nodded. "Thank you." She whispered. "Anytime." Derek said as Bailey came in with Mark.

"Ready Shepherd?" Bailey asked. Meredith nodded and she started rolling Meredith out. "Bye Mer. I'll see you when you get out." Derek said as he kissed her softly. "Love you." Meredith said. "Love you too." Derek replied as he watched her get wheeled into the OR.

"Alright Shep, take a deep breath and take a nap." Mark said as the anesthesiologist put the mask over her face. Meredith did so and was asleep in seconds.

"How did those two meet?" Bailey asked curiously as she grabbed her scalpel. "Meredith practically grew up with us. Her parents left and our mom and dad took her in, Like they did with me." Mark explained. "And then we met Addison in college. Mer got bumped up to our grade, so we all were in the same classes." Mark added. "Merediths not your age?" Bailey asked. "She's a year younger." Mark said.

Bailey nodded. "Alright. Want to close her up?" Bailey asked. Mark nodded and went to work on his friends incision.

After the surgery, Meredith was rolled to recovery where Derek was instantly at her side, waiting for her to wake up.

Meredith stirred and slowly opened her eyes. "Hi." Derek said softly. "Hi." Meredith whispered. "It went well." Derek said. Meredith nodded. As Merediths eyes dipped closed, she scooted over a bit and patted the bed. "You want me to sit?" Derek asked. Meredith nodded. Derek carefully got into the cramped bed, careful not to hurt her.

She situated her body so that her head was on his chest and she was curled into him. Derek put his arm around her neck carefully and held her close. "Love you." Meredith mumbled before she fell asleep. "I love you too." Derek replied.

Hope you guys enjoyed the update!!! ❤️

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