Chapter 49

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It was just a normal day, and Derek and Meredith were both observing a surgery on a 34 year old female.

Suddenly, one of the nurses collapsed. "What the hell?" Richard murmered from his seat next to them, getting up and bolting down.

Then it was Bailey who collapsed, then a scrub nurse then another. "What's going on?" Derek questioned before he and Meredith ran down to the OR.


"Dr Webber, what's happening?" Meredith asked as she watched each surgeon or nurse come through on gurneys.

"I'm guessing toxic blood. We've only seen a few cases. Someone's running tests now, but we need to get her closed up as soon as possible." Richard replied.

"Sir, she has toxic blood. Labs just came back." An intern said. "Damn." Richard muttered.


"I need at least 4 of you to help. I have 4 airtight suits. You'll only have 2 minutes of oxygen until you have to get out. That gives you 8 minutes to close her up." Richard said as everyone changed into the suits.

"Sloan, you first, then Montgomery, then Shepherd, then Grey."

Mark nodded and took a deep breath in before entering the OR. The others watched anxiously as Mark stumbled out of the OR, gasping for air.

"Addison, go. You okay Mark?" Derek asked as he laid a hand on his friends back. Mark nodded. "Get outta this suit and go down to the pit to get oxygen. These 3 will join you soon." Richard instructed.

Mark nodded and slowly walked out of the scrub room.

Addison went in and didn't last very long. "Easy. Easy." Richard said as Addison dropped to her knees in the scrub room. "You! Get over here and help her to the pit for oxygen. Bring her to her husband." Richard ordered to an intern.

"Shepherd, you're up." Richard said.

"Be careful." Meredith said softly. "I will."

Meredith held her breath as Derek went in and watched. One minute went by, the two. "Come on Derek." Meredith muttered. Derek clumsily stumbled out of the scrub room as did the other 2.

He bent over, hands on his knees, heaving for breath. "You got it. Nice job." Meredith said, rubbing his back. "Go Shepherd. Meredith, you have 2 minutes to finish this." Richard said.

"I'm staying here. Until she's out." Derek said, still catching his breath. "Fine. But Grey, you gotta go."

Meredith nodded and took a deep breath before running into the OR. "Wrap it around the patient and wait for it to inflate." Richard instructed.

Meredith did so and pulled the wrapping around and around numerous time. She needed air soon. "Mer, it's been 3 minutes. Get out!" She could hear Derek yell.

Meredith finished wrapping the patient, successfully finishing the surgery, and stumbled out of the OR. Her knees went weak and she collapsed in dereks arms.

"Mer? Stay awake." Derek said. Meredith vaguely registered Dereks pleads, and she let herself close her eyes.

"She's out." Derek said worriedly. "She must've held her breath for too long. Let's get her onto a gurney. Are you okay to be moving Shepherd?" Richard asked. Derek nodded.

Richard and Derek with the help of interns got an unconscious Meredith onto the gurney and rolled her out while the patient was being taken to a cubicle.

"What happened?" Mark asked in concern as Meredith was wheeled by through the pit. "She stayed in too long but she did finish the surgery." Derek replied. Richard got Meredith hooked up on oxygen and an iv.

"What happened to the poor woman now?" Bailey asked. "Weren't you just in oxygen 5 minutes ago?" Richard asked with a frown. "Yeah, I'm fine now. Answer my question." Bailey said.

"She just overdid it. She's okay." Addison replied. "Greys always doing too much." Bailey scoffed. "Did she finish the surgery?"

"She did."

Bailey cracked a small smile. "Guess I did my job right then."

"All of you can go home when you feel okay." Richard said. "You guys can go you don't have to wait." Derek said. "Alright. Let us know when she wakes up please." Addison said. "Will do. Bye guys."



An hour later, Meredith woke up. "Hey sleepyhead." Derek said with a smile. "Wha-"

"It's okay. You just passed out after you finished the surgery." Derek explained. "Oh. Can we go home then? I'm hungry." Meredith said. Derek laughed. "That's my Mer." He muttered with a smile.

"Let's go." He said as he helped her out of the gurney. Derek held her close as they walked out of the hosptial and got into the car.

"You're okay?" Meredith asked. "I'm okay. Good job by the way. Bailey was impressed." Derek said softly. Meredith giggled.

They got home a little bit later and entered the house. Meredith yawned. "Tired?" He asked. Meredith nodded and trudged up to their room, Derek righ behind.

Meredith crawled into bed, as did Derek and curled into his chest. "Breathing okay?" He asked. "I'm good." She replied. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them! I'm sorry for the lack of updates recently, I've been very busy this week and I'll continue to be just a heads up. I hope your all doing well and taking care of yourselves. Happy greys day everyone!

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