Chapter 19

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Meredith 25, Derek 26

"Can you believe it? We're actually going to be doctors in a few hours!!" Meredith exclaimed as she went into the kitchen where the whole Shepherd family was. "We made it!" Mark exclaimed happily.

Mark and Derek had big plans today. For the last month, the two have been planning a double proposal, with the help of Carolyn and Christopher. Tonight after graduation, the whole Shepherd family were going to go for a walk on the beach at sunset, and Mark and Derek would propose.

They had bought rings for each of the girls with help from michael. Carolyn distracted the girls and took them shopping while michael and his boys bought the rings.

The ceremony was at 4, and it was around noon now. "I'm so proud of all of you. I know in 10 years I'll have 2 kick ass neurosurgeon attendings, a kickass plastic surgeon, and a kickass obgyn." Carolyn said genuinely. The kids smiled. "How about we take a trip down memory lane before the rest of my babies become doctors?" Carolyn suggested as she took out old home videos. Everyone nodded and Carolyn put the tapes on.

Until 2, everyone watched old videos of Meredith and Derek bickering. "Let's get ready." Addison said excitedly. They turned off the videos and the guys and girls went upstairs.

Addison and Meredith put on skirts and dress shirts before finishing the outfit with their sashes. "We're graduating Med school today." Meredith said,
In shock. "We're graduating med school today." Addison repeated. "Wow." Meredith said. "Wow is right." Addison agreed with a smile.

The guys changed into their outfits with their sash and after everyone styled their hair and the girls did their makeup, at 330, it was time to go to the ceremony. They all gathered in the car, Addison and Mark in the back back seat, and Meredith in Derek in the middle. Dereks sisters were all coming in their own cars.

When they arrived, they said goodbye to Christopher and Carolyn and made their way behind the stage. The ceremony was held inside, and their family took
Their seats.

The dean started calling names, and Meredith had deja vu about her high school graduation. "Meredith Grey!" She said. Meredith walked in stage and took her diploma. She posed for a picture before walking off stage and taking her seat next to the other graduates.

Derek was next, then Mark, and then Addison. Carolyn and Christopher have never been prouder before.

"You ready?" Derek asked Mark discreetly. "Nervous. But I'm ready." Mark replied. "Me too." Derek replied.

"I'm so proud of all of you." Carolyn repeated as she brought the kids in for a group hug. "Ready to go?" Derek asked, getting impatient. "Where are we going?" Meredith asked. "Mom wanted to take some graduation pictures at the beach." Derek lied. "Oh. Okay." Meredith said. It made sense to her because Carolyn always wanted to take pictures. The girls had no idea what was planned.

They got into the car and drove to the beach. Carolyn and Christopher could see the boys getting anxious, and chuckled lightly to themselves.

Once they got to the beach, Derek grabbed Merediths hand and led her onto the sand. The sunset was beautiful. "Okay, get together!" Carolyn said. The 4 all got together in front of the sunset and Carolyn took multiple pictures. "Derek, Mark, you two get together." She said. The girls separated and Carolyn snapped a ton of photos. "You girls now." Christopher said. Addison and Meredith stood next to each other and smiled.

"Now, Addy and Meredith, look out towards the sunset." Carolyn instructed, giving the boys their cue. The girls turned around and Derek and Mark pulled out their rings and got down on one knee in front of them. "Perfect." Carolyn said with a big smile. The girls turned around and their jaws dropped when they saw their boys down on one knee. "Derek." Meredith gasped in awe. "Mark." Addison gasped.

"Meredith, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Derek asked with a smile. Meredith brought her hands up to her mouth and nodded, tears coming to her eyes. "Addy, will you marry me?" Mark asked. Addison smiled and nodded. Derek and Mark slid the rings onto the girls' fingers and stood up. Meredith and Addison wrapped their arms around their fiancé's and smiled.

Carolyn, Christopher, and the rest of their siblings were watching from a distance and taking pictures with teary eyes.

"I love you so much." Derek said as he pressed his lips to Merediths. "I love you too." Meredith said as she pulled away and smiled brightly.

The four made their way to their family with big smiles as their family wrapped them in a huge hug. "My babies are getting married!" Carolyn exclaimed happily.

"Our plan worked." Derek said with a smile to Mark. "Our plan worked. Now we're getting married to love of our lives." Mark said as he looked at the two girls who were showing off the rocks they bought. "I'm proud of you boys." Christopher said as he came over and gave them a manly hug. "Thanks dad." Derek said. "Thanks." Mark replied.

"The boys did really good." Nancy said with a smile as she examined their rings. "They did." The girls agreed. "I can't wait for you both to be shepherds." Carolyn said as she pulled them into a hug. "Neither can we." Addison said with a smile.

After they got home, Meredith and Addison sat on the couch with their new fiancé's and their family. "You're my fiancé." Meredith giggled. "You're my fiancé." Derek parroted with a smile. "I love you more than anything. I can't wait to be your wife." Meredith whispered with a smile. "And I can't wait to be your husband." Derek said.

"We're getting married!" Addison said. "We're getting married!" Mark exclaimed with a big smile. "Here's to marrying the loves of our lives!" Derek exclaimed as he held up a glass. Everyone held up their beverage and cheered.

So I really like this chapter, and I hope you guys do too. ❤️ hope every one is staying safe

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