Chapter 70

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Meredith picked up the phone and answered. "Dr Grey speaking." She said professionally.

"Dr Grey. This is Amanda Baker. I was your principal back in middle school." A cheery voice filled the line.

"Oh, Mrs Baker. How are you?" Meredith responded. "Amanda, dear. We're past the formalities. I'm good, still the principal. What about you?" Amanda asked.

"Good, good. Uh, I'm a doctor now, so that's cool." She said. "Congratulations! That's amazing. And that's actually why I wanted to talk to you." Amanda said.

"Is everything okay?" Meredith cut in in concern. "Oh, yes, everything's good. Do you remember every year for all grades we had a guest speaker come in?" She asked.

"I do."

"Well, I read an article from Seattle grace mentioning you, and I thought it would be a fantastic idea for you to come. What better than a Seattle Middle School graduate to speak." Amanda explained.

"Oh, I'd be honored! It's pretty busy, but I'm sure I can schedule a day." Meredith responded, proud of herself.

"Awesome! We have it scheduled for next Tuesday at 9, but we can reschedule if needed."

" for me." Meredith answered, checking her calendar. "Perfect!" Amanda exclaimed. "Would you like me to invite Derek too?" She asked.

"Derek? As in Derek Shepherd?"

"Yes, he's my husband." Meredith said with a chuckle. "Wow! I feel very old. Yes, you should bring him!" Amanda said.

"Okay. Cant wait to see you then!" Meredith said. "Bye, dear."

"Derek! Let's go, we're gonna be late!" Meredith exclaimed. "I'm doing my hair!" He yelled back. "Wel
Hurry up!"

Meredith dressed herself in a nice work shirt and dress pants and a dress jacket, showing off her bump. Derek came down shortly after in dress pants and a button up.

"Let's go." Derek said, smiling as he grabbed her hand and led her out of their house.


A little while later, the two arrived and went into the front office. "Meredith, Derek!" Amanda exclaimed. "It's so good to see you." Derek said with a grin. "Wow, you guys are all grown up!" Amanda said.

Amanda gasped. "Look at you!" She said in a soft tone, staring at Merediths baby bump. Meredith giggled and smiled. "You can touch if you want." She offered.

"Oh, wow." She breathed, putting her hand on her belly. "How far along are you?" Amanda asked. "Almost 20 weeks now." Derek responded proudly.

"Wow." Amanda said in awe.

The pair greeted tons of old teachers, all in awe at how grown up their young students are.

"Alright. They're in the gymnasium right now. Just get up there, and a ton of them have questions." Amanda instructed.

Meredith and Derek went into the gym and went onto the stage, looking over the hundreds of kids.

"Hi everyone. My name is Dr Derek Shepherd, and this is my wife Dr Meredith Grey." Derek introduced. "Dr Shepherd and I used to go to this school when we were your age." Meredith said.

"I remember these guest speaker days like it was yesterday. So, the floor is open. Ask all the questions you want." Derek explained.

Kids hands shot up all across the gym. "You, in the blue." Derek said. "I'm in 8th grade. What classes in high school should I take to be a doctor?" A blonde head boy asked.

"Well, anatomy is always a good choice. Science classes. Psychology is very helpful if you want to be a psychologist." Derek replied.

Derek picked another student. "Do you need math to be a doctor? Cause I hate math!" The student asked. Derek smiled. "You do. You have to calculate the correct dosages for medications and such." He replied as a series of groans came across the room.

Meredith picked the next one. "What kind of doctors are you?" The young girl asked. "We're residents, so we haven't picked our specialties yet, but we're both trying to be neurosurgeons. That means we operate on brains." She explained.

"That's so cool!" The girl exclaimed.

They answered questions after questions after questions, until there was only time for a few more. "Okay everyone, two more questions!" Derek exclaimed.

"Is med school hard?"

Derek looked at the student thoughtfully. "It depends on your work ethic. If you keep up with your work and stay on track, you'll succeed. Like my wife over here, she's a year younger than me. In college, she was so smart she moved up to my grade." Derek said proudly.

"Last question." Meredith announced, blushing.

She called on a young boy. "Are you having a baby?" The kid asked. Meredith smiled. "I am. A baby boy." She responded, picturing her baby boy as a teenager like these young minds in front of her.


About an hour later after chatting with old teachers, the two of them were on their way back home. "I feel very old." Meredith said with a chuckle.

"Me too." Derek responded as he pulled into their driveway. "How's your back? Standing that long can't have been comfortable." He asked with a tinge of concern.

"Sore. But that's the usual around here lately." Meredith laughed. "Bath after we eat dinner? I can make some salad. Do you want that?" Derek suggested.

"That sounds good. This little guy is doing summersaults inside my belly." Meredith grinned as she rubbed her stomach. "Can I feel?" Derek asked as they got inside.

"Not yet." He responded to himself. "You will soon, I know it." She said.

Derek made salads and they ate in a comfortable silence. Afterwards, he drew a hot bath, but not too hot for the baby, and they got in together.

"I kept picturing our baby in that school in the audience, asking questions." Meredith murmured sleepily.

"I'm sure he will be one day." Derek whispered.

Meredith sighed contently. "I'm thankful for that school. I got to fall in love with you everyday there." She said softly.

"I love you Mer."

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. This chapter is short, so sorry about that. If you have any suggestions for further chapters, please let me know. Thanks for reading!! 70 chapters!!

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