Chapter 62

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After work, Meredith and Derek rested in bed after a few rounds of sex. Meredith was very hormonal, and while that came with a lot of tears, exhaustion, and cravings, it also came with horniness.

As Meredith took a quick nap, Derek admired his wife's naked body.

Pregnancy definitely agreed with her. Since she was so small, she was showing quite a bit already. She was glowing and so beautiful.

Derek loved to just feel the changes in her body. As he ran his hands up and down the side of her body, he could feel the curves. Her smooth skin felt so delicate under his hands.

A little while later, Meredith woke up feeling well and refreshed. "We have to leave in a half an hour." Derek whispered. "I really don't want to go bowling. I want to see them but I don't want to bowl." Meredith admitted.

"I know. You don't have to play, you can just sit down if you aren't feeling up to it." Derek said, following Meredith as she went downstairs. "I'll play. I'm gonna win." She said with a smirk.

Derek chuckled as they walked out the door.


They got to the bowling lanes and sat down at their lane, waiting for Addison and Mark. Meredith ordered a small water, as did Derek.

"Hey guys!" Addison exclaimed as she and Mark stepped into the booth hand in hand. "Hey!" Derek said with a smile. "Who's ready to get their ass kicked?" Mark asked.

"Not me Sloan. I'm winning." Meredith said competeivly. "We'll see about that." Mark challenged. They started the game and Mark went first.

"Strike. Told you I'd win." He said cockily. Meredith stood up to go after him and knocked down 9 pins. "I'm not going down without a fight." She said.

"We missed you guys." Addison said. "We did too. Thanksgiving is next week, are you coming to mom and dads?" Meredith asked. Mark nodded. "Mama Shep called us earlier and demanded to go." He replied.

"Good." Meredith smiled.

They kept playing and while it was marks turn, Meredith turned to Derek. "Do you think they have tacos here?" She whispered. Derek chuckled. "I doubt it. Do you want me to go out and grab some?" He offered.

"No, that's okay." She said quickly. "I'll go get some. Extra queso on the side?" Derek asked. Meredith smiled and nodded. "Hey guys. I'm gonna go grab some food. Anyone want to come with?" Derek asked.

"I'll go. I need to re-energize to continue kicking ass." Mark said with a smirk. "Mhm." Meredith hummed.

Derek and Mark got into the car and stared driving. "How did you know when you and Mer wanted kids?" Mark asked randomly.

Derek smiled. He knew where this was going. "We always knew we wanted them. We didn't plan it. It just...happened. And when it happened, it felt right." He explained softly.

"You guys didn't plan this?" Mark asked surprised. "No. But it wasn't exactly a mistake. We weren't trying, but we weren't...not trying." He replied.

"Oh." Mark said as he let out a breath. "Why do you ask?" Derek questioned. "No reason." Mark replied. "You and Addie thinking about it?" Derek asked.

Mark smiled to himself. "We talked about it a little bit." He shrugged. "And Addison was definitely talking more around it last night, I think because of you and Mer." Mark said as they pulled into the Mexican restaurant.

"I say go for it, Mark. There's no good time to have a baby." Derek said. Mark nodded as they entered.


Meredith and Addison sat down and chatted. "I really want tacos. I hope their back soon." Meredith said.

Addison chuckled. "I'm sure they will be." She said. "What are you thinking about?" Meredith asked.

"I want a baby. I think...I want a baby." Addison blurted. "You do? Now?" Meredith asked with a surprised look.

Addison nodded. "I really do."

"Is it...because of me?" She asked. Addison shook her head. "No. I've wanted one, for a while but it was never a good time. I mean, seeing you pregnant and glowy definetely influenced my decision, but I can't stop thinking about holding a warm, chubby baby." Addison sighed.

"I know how you feel." Meredith said with a laugh as the guys walked back in. "3 beef tacos, fully loaded and chips and queso." Derek said, coming into the room holding up a bag.

"Thank you!" Meredith exclaimed, her eyes lighting up as she snatched the bag and dug in. "I thought you didn't like tacos in college." Mark said with an amused smile.

"I didn't." She replied, face full of beef. "Cravings are a very strong thing, my friend." Derek laughed as he watched his tiny- well, not so tiny anymore wife wolf down 3 tacos.


After a while, they four of them went their separate ways and went home. "I'm exhausted and my feet hurt." Meredith complained as she rested a hand on the gentle swell of her stomach.

"When we get home we can either take a warm bath or just get to bed. I'll give you a massage." Derek said softly.

"Okay." She replied with a smile.

Once they got home, Derek did indeed stay true to his word. Instead of a bath, Meredith opted to just go straight to bed.

"Mm thank you." Meredith moaned as his fingers worked magic on her back. "My pleasure." He replied, kissing her neck.

"I love you."

"Mm me too." Meredith moaned.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter aand hope your all doing well. If you have any suggestions for future updates pleasem feel free to drop them. Sorry for the lack of updates recently, I've been very busy.

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