Chapter 36

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After Bailey has given Derek and Meredith a few days off, it was time to work once again. Meredith also had her therapy appointment today.

They woke up around 6 and cuddled in each other's arms. "We should get up soon." Derek whispered, making no move to actually get up. "We should." Meredith agreed as she rolled over on top of Derek and rested her head on his chest.

"You okay?" He asked softly. "I-I think so. Hopefully therapy will help." Meredith replied honestly. "It will." Derek said with a kiss on the head. They laid in each other's arms for a few more minutes before actually gettin up.

When they did get up, they quickly changed into some casual clothes and got ready for the day. They conserved water by taking a shower together, and hurried downstairs. They both grabbed a banana for breakfast and then headed out to the car.

They got to the hosptial and changed into their scrubs before running off to find Dr Nelson. "Ah, Shepherd, Grey, there you are. We have a corpus callostomy surgery today." Dr Nelson said. "What time?" Meredith asked. "1'o'clock. Got some place to be?" He said. "No, I should be fine." Meredith replied. "Okay. Go do some charting for me and then we'll found in a little while." He said.

Derek and Meredith took a seat on an empty gurney and charted together. "What time is your appointment?" Derek asked. "11:30. I should be back in time." Meredith replied with a sigh. Even though Meredith certainly was feeling like herself again, Derek could still tell she was struggling with asking someone else for help, and he understood why. Most of her life aside from Derek and his family, Meredith had no one to go to.

"It'll be okay." Derek said softly as he grabbed her hand. Meredith grunted something incoherent and just nodded. "Tell you what. If it goes horribly, I'll get some takeout and we can cuddle together and watch that criminal minds crap you love. And if it goes good, we'll also get some takeout and cuddle and watch that criminal minds crap. Sound good?" Derek asked as he looked into her deep green irises.

Meredith couldn't resist the smile and nodded. She pressed her lips against his softly and rested her Forehead against his. "I love you." She whispered. "I love you too." He replied as he smiled lovingly.

They finished their charts and before they knew it, it was time for Merediths appointment. Derek walked up with her to the room. "Good luck. I'm proud of you." He said before she walked in. "Love you." She said. "I love you too." He replied as she knocked and walked in.

"Ah, Meredith. Nice to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you." Dr Wyatt said with a smile as she shook her hand. "I'm dr Wyatt, as you know. Now, let's get started, shall we?" she asked. Meredith nodded nervously and sat down.

"So, tell me why you decided to come to me in the first place?" She asked. "Well, I haven't been feeling very good mentally I guess. And I have some things that are difficult to talk about." She replied nervously. "Tell me about yourself." Dr Wyatt said. "Uh, I've been married for about a year and a half now. I'm in my second year of internship, obviously." Meredith started. "What about your family?" She asked. "Well, it's complicated. My father left when I was a kid and my mom was absent and couldn't care less about me." Meredith said bitterly. "So did you care for yourself or did someone care for you?" Dr Wyatt asked.

Meredith looked at her hesitantly. "It's okay to talk, Meredith. I'm not here to judge." Dr Wyatt said softly. "I- my husband. I grew up with his family. They took care of me." Meredith replied. "And how's your husband?" Wyatt asked. Meredith smiled. "He's the best husband a girl can get." She replied. "And why is that?" Dr Wyatt asked. "Derek cares about me in a way nobody else has." She admitted.

"Derek...Derek Shepherd?" Wyatt guessed. Meredith nodded. "Ah. Tell me more about yourself and him and how you grew up." Wyatt requested. For the rest of the session, Wyatt simply focused on getting to know Meredith. And from what she gathered in this hour long meeting, Meredith had some unresolved abandonment issues, and they were clear.

When Meredith Mer back up with Derek outside of the OR, he smiled. "How did it go?" He asked. "It was okay i guess. I'll tell you more at home." She replied. Derek nodded and they started scrubbing in with Nelson.

"Alright, let's begin." Dr Nelson said as he made the first cut. The surgery was amazing. Meredith and Derek were intrigued by the human brain. Dr Nelson let them have a close up look and even help with the procedure. After Merediths appointment, this is what she needed. Meredith opened some doors in her mind that made her a little nervous, but surgery and Derek helped immensely.

Once the successful surgery was over, Meredith and Derek quickly changed and then drove back to the house together. As promised, Derek ordered some Chinese for the both of them and they sat on the couch and watched criminal minds. "What did you guys talk about?" Derek asked quietly. "Just family. And you." She replied. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm okay." She confirmed as she curled up into his body.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters, feel free to drop them! Hope your all doing well!

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