Chapter 4

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Meredith 14, Derek 15

Meredith was starting high school today. She was extremely nervous, and what's worse was that she had to walk to school because her mother obviously wasn't home. She threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater, not caring much about what she should wear.

She went to the bathroom and got ready, realizing she was going to be late if she didn't hurry up. She ran downstairs, grabbed a banana, grabbed her bag and ran out the house

Derek was fully prepared and ready for the first day of sophomore year. He wasn't excited, but he was ready. He dressed himself in a polo shirt with khakis, and went downstairs to eat some toast.

15 minutes later, he left his house and hopped into his moms car with her. Carolynturned on the ignition and stated driving down the street.

That's when he saw his best friend walking down the street in a hurry, her backpack on her back. He rolled down the window. "Mer! Do you want a ride?" He asked. Meredith nodded and opened the backseat door. "Thank you." She said with a breath. "Ellis isn't home?" He frowned. "When is she ever home?" Meredith scoffed. Derek felt bad for her, knowing she practically raised herself. "We'll give you a ride to and from school everyday when I can." Carolyn said assuringly. "Okay." She said with a smile.

The two hopped out of the car and almost parted ways before Derek stopped them. "Wait." He said. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her small frame. He was now pretty much full grown, around 5"11 and muscular. Meredith on the other hand, was still growing, around 5"4 and as skinny as a twig. Meredith smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist and out her head on his chest. After a minute, Derek pulled away and looked at her. "Good luck. I'll see you after school." He said as he walked away. Derek saw Meredith as a younger sister, one he preferred over his own sisters. He was very protective over her.

Meredith smiled and walked to her class. Derek was like her older brother. But would that change? She didn't know.

Meredith had a pretty boring and lonely day so far. She sat down at her lunch table alone, and picked at the salad. She was about to fall asleep on the table when a tray slammed down beside her. "What's up, Mer? How's your day goin?" Derek asked. It was weird for a sophomore to be sitting with a freshman, so it felt like everyone was watching them. "Boring." She replied simply. "Make any friends yet?" He asked. "Does it look like I'm sitting with anyone?" She sighed. Derek knew she was sad, but wasn't sure what about. "Mer, what's wrong?" He asked quietly. "I don't know." She replied. Derek put his arm around her waist and pulled her close. "It'll be okay. Only a few more hours and you can come over after school if you want." He said. Meredith nodded as the bell rung. He stood up. "See you later Mer." He said before running off.

Derek was worried about Meredith. He knew it was hard to make friends, but it didn't help that Meredith had trust issues due to her father leaving ata young age. He was still pissed about that. After a few more boring classes, he went to his car and waited for Meredith to get there.

She arrived at Carolyns car and hopped in the backseat with Derek seat. Carolyn drove off in a comfortable silence. "Mom, can Mer come over?" Derek asked. "Of course." Carolyn replied. They pulled into the shepherds driveway and got out.

Derek and Meredith went to his room and threw their backpacks down. "Any homework?" He asked. "No. Just a few syllabus's for my mom to sign which I'll have to forge." She replied. Derek laughed. "What do you want to do?" She asked. "Wanna watch a movie?" He suggested. "Sure." Meredith replied. She plopped herself on his bed with no thought about it. Derek sat down next to her and starting scrolling through Netflix. "Want to watch a scary movie?" He asked. "Fine. But I will beat you if it scares me a lot." She replied. Derek nodded and decided on a movie called 'IT.'

Meredith was content with the movie until Pennywise the Clown jumped to attack one of the kids. "Ahhhh!" She screamed. Derek laughed and put his arm around her and pulled her close. She turned away from the tv and buried her head into his chest. Derek liked having her close to him.

Carolyn heard the screaming from downstairs. She walked upstairs and looked in dereks room, finding them laying in bed watching a movie. Meredith was snuggled up to him and Derek was holding her close. Carolyn knew it was a matter of time before the two got together.

An hour and a half later, the movie ended and Meredith had to go home. Derek walked her down to the kitchen and they said their goodbyes. "See you tomorrow Der. Thank you Carolyn." She said. Derek gave her a hug. "See ya." He said as he watched her walk out the door and to her house. He turned around and went into the kitchen where his mom was smirking. "What?" He asked when he noticed his moms gaze. "You like her." She said matter of factly. "I do not." Derek denied as his face turned a shade of pink. "You so do." Carolyn replied. "She's just so... and I don't know." Derek said. "I do like her." Derek admitted. Carolyn smiled. "Just wait for the right time to tell her." She said. Derek nodded and went up to his room.

Meredith went home to an empty house. Her mother still wasn't home, but it was the norm for her. She tossed her bag aside and went to the kitchen to cook dinner, which consisted of box Mac and cheese. She whipped that up quickly and started eating. Her thoughts wandered to Derek. She thought about how easy it was to talk to him, and how comfortable she felt around him. She wasn't sure if she liked him or if she was just best friends.

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