Chapter 64

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The next morning, Derek woke up to his wife curled against him asleep. Her small baby bump prevented them from being as close as they wanted, but it would make do for now.

He carefully scooted out of bed and left the room quietly. "Good morning Derek." Carolyn said as he got to the kitchen. Everyone was already there at and cooking for their thanksgiving feast.

"Morning. Happy thanksgiving." Derek said with a soft smile. "Happy thanksgiving." The girls replied in unison.

"Derek, where's your wife?" Kathleen asked as she chopped onions. "Still sleeping. She was not a fan of the plane yesterday." Derek replied.

"Yeah, those aren't comfortable when your pregnant." Nancy said. "We won't make her go on a plane until the little guy is here." Carolyn said definitively.

"She's getting big, huh?" Christopher grinned. "She's only 15 weeks, but she's small so she's showing early." Derek replied.

"How is she doing?" Lizzie asked. "She's doing good. She's definitely getting more tired and sore, but good." He answered.

"She may want to start cutting back hours gradually when she gets to maybe 24 weeks. It gets hard and she'll regret it if she doesn't." Nancy suggested.

"Yeah, she's not going to be happy about that." Derek sighed. "Not going to be happy about what?" Meredith asked as she came down, a hand resting on her stomach.

"Cutting down hours." He replied, standing up so she could take a seat. Meredith did so and looked around. "Happy thanksgiving." She said, smiling.

"Happy thanksgiving." They replied. Derek kissed Meredith gently and laid a hand on the small of her bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked into her ear.

"Good." She replied.

"Meredith, do you want anything for breakfast?" Carolyn asked. "You ask her but not me?" Derek asked feigning hurt.

"She's my daughter. And she's pregnant." Carolyn replied with a chuckle. "I'm okay for now mom. I'm gonna eat a lot later." She laughed.

"Derek!" A voice yelled. Mark and Addison arrived late last night. "Hey Mark. What's up?" Derek asked. "You me and the guys are fishing and we're taking the kids so they women can cook and we don't piss then off." Mark announced.

"That's kind of sexist. Why don't you boys cook and we" Amelia asked. "You really want us cooking?" Mark asked with a raised eyebrow. "You know what? Nevermind. Go have fun." She replied.

"Who's going?" Derek asked. "All the husbands and we're taking all the kids." Mark replied. "Are you okay with me leaving?" Derek questioned quietly. Meredith smiled. "Yes. I'm fine Der." She replied.

"Okay. Give me 10 minutes to change." Derek said.


A little while later, the guys left with the kids and the girls began cooking. "Meredith, you can season the food, right?" Carolyn asked. "We'll see." She replied with a laugh as she took an apron and went to work.

"Addison, when are you and Mark going to have kids?" Lizzie asked out if the blue. "I, uh, probably soon. We've been talking about it." She replied.

"Good. You two would make cute babies." Lizzie said smiling. "Yeah- ouch!" Addison exclaimed as she put the knife down. "What's wrong?" Meredith asked as she came over. "Just cut myself. Damn." Addison groaned.

Carolyn handed over paper towel and put it on her finger. "You may need stitches. That's pretty deep." Nancy said as she examined the wound.

"Let me look." Meredith said. She gently poked around her finger and nodded. "You need stitches. I got it. Mom, you must have a suture kit around here somewhere, right?" She asked.

"Yes. I'll go grab it." Carolyn said.

"You're going to suture her finger here?" Lizzie asked in surprise. "I'm a neurosurgeon. I can handle a simple suture." Meredith said with a smirk as Carolyn returned with the suture kit.

"Okay. I'm gonna numb it first, and then just a stitch or two." Meredith said professionally. Once addisons finger was number,  Meredith went to work.

It was literally only two stitches, and then she was done. "How's that feel?" Meredith asked. "It's good. Thank you Mer." Addison said. "Rest and elevate above your heart." She instructed.

"You're going to be a fantastic mother." Carolyn complimented softly. She'd watched the whole interaction and noted how delicately Meredith worked.

Meredith let out a nervous chuckle. "Let's hope so." She breathed.

"Why wouldn't you be?" Carolyn asked softly. "Have you seen who I was raised by?" Meredith replied sarcastically.

"Meredith, I practically raised you. Not Ellis. And if what just happened is any indication of whether you'll be a good mother, you got your motherly instincts from me." Carolyn replied.

"I domt want to be my mother. Ever. In any way. So I sure as hell hope I get somewhat close to you as a mother."

"You already are, Meredith." Nancy said. "Yeah. Derek told us about how you yelled at him for swearing because the baby could hear." Lizzie agreed.

"And when you yelled at him for calling the baby a little monster." Amelia added. "That's just....I don't know." Meredith stammered. "That's called being a mother. You get protective of your baby. I've watched most of my girls do it. I've done it. You're going to be a natural, Meredith." Carolyn said.

"Now your going to make me cry." Meredith said with tears in her eyes. Carolyn laughed and took her daughter in her arms. "Hormones suck." Meredith murmured.

"I know." Carolyn replied.


The guys came home a few hours later, and it was time to eat. "What are you thankful for?" Derek asked. "I'm thankful for my family and my husband. And for our little guy on the way." Meredith replied.

"And I'm thankful for my beautiful wife and this wonderful food." Mark said.

"I'm thankful for all of you and my grand baby on the way. Being able to be here all together is a gift, and we should not waste it. I love you all. Happy thanksgiving." Carolyn announced to all.

"Happy thanksgiving!"

Hey guys! So sorry for the short chapter, hope you guys understand. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your doing well. If you have any suggestions for future chapters feel free to drop them. Thanks for reading.

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