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4 year old Meredith Grey and her parents recently moved into a house in Seattle. Ellis decided it was time to move out of their old house, and into a much, bigger, nicer house in the suburbs. Ellis Grey was a world renowned Harper Avery award winning surgeon, and thatcher Grey was a researcher in a library

Ellis didn't care about Meredith in any way. She was in thatchers care most of the time, which she enjoyed, but she wanted to be cuddled in her mother's arms too.

Thatcher turned the car off and got out, standing in front of their new house. He moved around and opened Merediths door, to find her asleep. He smiled and picked her up in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder. "Let's go thatcher. I have to be in the hospital soon." Ellis said. Thatcher scoffed and started pulling suitcases of stuff out, trying to hold Meredith at the same time. The suitcase thatcher was trying to haul out, causing Meredith to wake up. "Dada?" She mumbled. "We're here, Mer." Thatcher replied softly as he placed Meredith down.

Meredith clumsily walked over to her mother, who was sitting on the front steps looking at some notes. She grabbed onto her mother's leg and squeezed. "Mama!" She squeezed happily. "Go away Meredith. I'm trying to work." Ellis scolded. Meredith whimpered, wanting to be with her mother. She slowly walked to the curb and sat down, her head in her hands.

After about 30 minutes, Ellis had gone to work, leaving thatcher and Meredith. Thatcher got most of the suitcases inside. They were inside, watching tv. The house was already furnished, as I had been when the Grey family bought it. It was about 7pm, so Meredith had about an hour until bed. "Dada!" Meredith yelled. Thatcher looked and smiled at his daughter, who was clinging to his leg. "Yes Meredith?" He asked. "Play surgery." She said. Meredith had this doll, anatomy Jane, which Ellis got for her, and she loved to perform 'surgery' on it. Thatcher smiled and picked her up.

He brought her over to the couch and picked up the doll. Meredith took it in her hands and started the procedure. Thatcher assisted by handing her the little toy parts.

After about 45 minutes, Meredith dozed off, falling asleep on her fathers shoulder. Thatcher picked her up and quietly brought her up to her princess themed room. He tucked her in bed, and kissed her forehead and left the room.

Thatcher went back downstairs, and met Ellis at the door. "Hey." Ellis said as she walked past him and dropped her stuff down. "Hi." Thatcher said. "I have work in 3 hours. I need to get some sleep. Where's Meredith?" Ellis asked. "She's asleep." Thatcher sighed. Ellis nodded and went up to their bedroom to lay down and sleep. Thatcher just sat on the couch and watched baseball, eventually falling asleep.

The next morning, Meredith woke up around 9. She was always a good sleeper, luckily for thatcher and Ellis. Meredith wobbled out of bed and walked down stairs, one stair at a time with her anatomy Jane doll in hand. 

"Morning Mer." Thatcher said sweetly as he picked her up and kissed her forehead. "Hi daddy." Meredith replied. "Where's mommy?" She asked. Thatcher frowned as he sat Meredith in her seat and handed her a piece of toast. "Mommy had to work." Thatcher replied. "But mommy work yesterday." Meredith said. She didn't understand that adults worked everyday, but Ellis was literallt home for 4 hours a day, and in those 4 hours Meredith is sleeping. "I know. Mommy works a lot." Thatcher said sadly. Meredith just nodded and nibbled on her breakfast.

Someone knocked on the door around noon, and thatcher went and opened it, Meredith in his arms. "Hello." Thatcher said. "Hi. I'm Carolyn Shepherd, this is my husband Christopher, my daughters Nancy, Lizzie Amelia, and Kathleen, and this is my son, Derek. We're your neighbors across the street." The kind woman said. Thatcher smiled. "I'm thatcher Grey, and this is my daughter Meredith. My wife isn't home right now." Thatcher explained. Merediths  was observing the kids. Nancy looked to be around 13, Lizzie looked to be 11, Amelia looked to be 8, Kathleen look about 12, and Derek looked about 5. Meredith shyly hid behind her fathers leg and held tight.

Carolyn bent down to Merediths level and smiled. "Hi. I'm Carolyn Shepherd. You must be Meredith, right?" She said kindly as she held out her hand. Meredith nodded and apprehensively held out her hand, which Carolyn took and shook. "We would love for you guys to come over for dinner tonight, to welcome you guys to the neighborhood." Christopher offered. "That would be great. What time?" Thatcher asked. "Around 6?" Carolyn asked. "Sounds good. Thanks guys." Thatcher said as he watched them leave. Maybe Meredith will make some new friends. Thatcher and Meredith went back into the house, and basically did nothing all day, waiting for dinner.

Carolyn Shepherd ran around the house preparing a feast for the new neighbors and her family. She was making a very nice pasta dinner.

At 6 o'clock sharp, the doorbell ring. Christopher opened it revealing just thatcher and Meredith. They came into the house. 'Meredith seemed like a very shy little girl.' Carolyn thought. "So dinner will be done in about 30 minutes, Kids, why don't you guys show Meredith around?" Carolyn offered. Derek was the first to get up and grabbed Merediths small hand in his slightly bigger one. Derek was taller than her, too. The other girls didn't seem too interested in playing.

Derek pulled Meredith up to his room. "Wanna play a game?" Derek asked. "Sure." Meredith said quietly. "What game?" He asked. "Want to play surgeoner?" Meredith asked. "What's that?" Derek questioned. "You get a sick teddy bear, and you have to fix it." Meredith explained. She grabbed one of dereks teddy bears, and they operated.

Meanwhile, thatcher was downstairs with Christopher and Carolyn. "So, what does your wife do?" Carolyn asked. "She's a surgeon." Thatcher replied. "Wait... Ellis Grey?" Carolyn guessed. Thatcher smiled. "You got it." He said with a chuckle. "I'm a nurse at Seattle grace." Carolyn replied. Thatcher nodded.

That's pretty much how the rest of the night went. The kids all ate dinner, then Derek and Meredith went upstairs agter to play. At 8, Meredith and thatcher went home.

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