Chapter 53

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Meredith woke up and ran to the bathroom. The joys of pregnancy. She knelt down and hurled into the toilet.

Derek was on his feet in an instant and followed her into the bathroom. "That's it. You're okay." He said soothingly, rubbing her back.

Meredith opened her mouth to speak when she threw up once more. She moaned as she hunched over. "You're alright. It's okay. I'm here." Derek said.

Meredith eventually stop throwing up and laid against the cool tile on the wall. "At Least we get a baby out of this." Meredith said with a small smile.

"Let's get you back to bed." Derek replied, helping her up. "I need to brush my teeth first." She said.

After she brushed her teeth, the two of them walked back to their bedroom. "I'll be back In a minute." Derek said, leaving the room.

He went downstairs and sighed in relief when he saw the saltines sitting in the pantry. Derek grabbed them and ran back upstairs.

"Try these for the nausea." Derek said with a smile as he handed them to her. "Thanks." She replied, nibbling on a saltine.

"We have your appointment at 10." Derek said. "Yeah." Meredith replied. "You okay?" He asked. "Just nervous."

"Everything's gonna be all right." Derek said as he kissed her softly.


They got ready and left the house around 930. They and the day off, so afterwards they would probably just relax. They had had a quick appointment yesterday, but today was going to more detailed.

They caught there and tried to discreetly go to the OB floor. "Dr Grey, Dr Shepherd, right this way." A nurse said warmly, leading them to an exam room.

"Everything off the except panties and bra. We're just doing an ultrasound today." The nurse said before leaving the room.

Meredith handed Derek her clothes as he folded them and slipped the gown on before jumping into the exam table.

"Are you nervous?" Meredith asked as she fidgeted with her gown. "No. Are you?" Derek replied, grabbing her hands to keep them still. "Yeah." Meredith admitted.

"It's going to be fine." Derek said softly as someone knocked on the door. "Hi. My name is dr Ryan, if you don't remember from yesterday." The doctor said as she came into the room.

"Hi." The couple each replied. "So, congratulations first off. Is this your first?" Connie asked with a smile. "It is." Derek confirmed, squeezing her hand.

"Awesome. Today we're just going to do an ultrasound and answer some questions." Connie said. Meredith nodded. "So, lay back for me and lift your gown up to your bra please." She instructed.

Meredith laid back and lifted her gown up as told. "This may be cold." Connie warned before squirting gel onto her stomach. Meredith flinched at the temperature at first, but got used to it quickly.

"Based on your hcG levels, I'd say your around 8 weeks." Connie said. "And....that's your baby." Connie said, stopping the probe.

Meredith and Derek looked in awe. "Our baby." Meredith whispered, tears coming to her eyes. "I very thing is fine from yesterday. It looks perfect. Definitely around 8 weeks. Now, do you have any past medical issues I should know about?" Connie asked.

"No." Meredith replied. "No allergies, any medications you're on?"

"Nope." She answered. "Good. Well, everything looks great. I take it you want some ultrasound pictures?" Connie asked. "Yes." The Two replied eagerly.

Connie printed them out and handed them to them. "I'll see you both again In 4 weeks." She said before leaving. "We're having a baby." Derek said in shock. "We're having a baby." Meredith echoed.


The two of them left the room and ran right into Mark and Addison. "Hey. What are you guys doing up here?" Addison asked with a confused face.

"Oh, uh." Meredith stammered. "Over here." Derek said, leading everyone over to a secluded area. "Wait. Are you pregnant?" Addison asked with a smile. Meredith nodded. "Oh my god!" She exclaimed happily, hugging Derek and Meredith.

"Congratulations." Addison said genuinely. "Thanks." They both replied. "How far along are you?" She asked. "8 weeks." Derek replied. "That's amazing. Did you tell mom yet?" Addison questioned.

"Not yet. That's next." Meredith replied. "Alright. I'm late for my consult. See you guys later." Addison said, her and Mark leaving.


The two of them got home and sat down on the couch. "How are we going to tell mom and dad?" Meredith asked. "We can go over tomorrow maybe and surprise them somehow." Derek suggested.

"Maybe we can buy a onesie and give it to them. I saw it on a tv show." Meredith said. "That's a good idea. We can buy one on the way there." Derek replied.

Derek put his hand on her stomach and brought his face down. "Hi little guy. Or girl. It's daddy. We love you soooo much." He whispered. Meredith smiled, and tears almost came to her eyes as she ran her fingers through his dark curls. "

We can't wait to see you." Meredith said, putting her hand over his. "10 years ago I imagined you and I having kids and doing what we love. And now we are." Derek said softly.

"I don't know how to be a mom." Meredith said quietly. "And I domt know how to be a dad. But I do know that you're amazing with our nieces and nephews. We're going to learn together." Derek replied softly.

"I love you." Meredith said. "I love you too. And you baby." Derek whispered.

Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well. If you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them!

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