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I handed drista my diamond sword and slung my bow and arrows over my back. I was much more skilled with a bow. 

I handed her a invis potion and a swiftness potion along with a torch 2 pieces of TNT and a flint and steel.

we snuck down stairs heading out of L'Manburg and into a forest far away from it shooting a couple of mobs along the way eventually getting to a forest that was far enough away.

the the brown eyed girl smiled evilly at the green eyed one.

"lets burn and blow up some things" the girl shouted running to a tree and lighting it on fire, the blonde following suit all the while the 2 of them screaming  "ARSONNNNNNNNNN" like little kids on a sugar high.

they screwed up though. when they decided on placing the TNT next to each other and lighting them. they had drunk a swiftness potion before hand so they got away quickly. 

little did they know they were less than 20 blocks away from Stampy's lovely world and wile they were burning things Stampy was restraining Sneezy.

Stampy pov- 

sneezy abruptly got up and started barking as i was on the phone with dream. "why is the dog barking"  "I dont know dream he barks at the googlies but there shouldn't be any near he can sense besides enderman which he is fine with".

the dog sped over to the door ducking through the doggy door and running along side the railroad tracks as I followed him. "SNEEZY SIT" I shouted. "what's going on Stampy?" BANG BANG BANG BANG  the sound of TNT being blown up filled the night air.

"Stampy! what was that?" "tnt".

y/n pov- right before we blew up the tnt we heard "sneezy sit" being shouted and after we lit the TNT and ran we swigged the invis potions so fast we were basically flash. dashing away from thE forest hearing barking from about 30 blocks behind us. 

I turned around and looked at sneezy. Stampy was about 40 blocks away from him and 60 away from us I whistled so sneezy would hear me as he sped up dashing towards me as I kept on running away re-entering L'manburg and sneaking back in the house with sneezy for Stampy was still following he was 40 block's behind us.

we threw the bow into the closet along with the sword and camera and flint and steel hopping in the bed and pretending to be asleep as my heart raced.

I heard a knock on the door downstairs  and Phil yelling "I'm coming" after that I heard some murmuring about what I assume is sneezy then footsteps heading up the stairs as I got up remembering that I wouldn't be asleep by now and petting the dog as if I just saw him appear in my room.

the door creaked open "y/n?" "yes?" the door opened fully revealing Stampy and Phil "sneezy?!" "yeah he just appeared out of thin air I thought he was staying with you tonight?" I asked planting a look of confusion on my face "it doesn't matter" he muttered softly heading downstairs with Phil as I sighed and looked at drista as she sat up.

she had a gigantic smile on her face and I returned the smile as we laughed and looked through the photos we took.

a/n- ok guys quick question if I were to write a x reader that included like dating would you guys read it? I am not sure if im including any mcyts in it but im still not sure. but would you guys read it?

A chance sbi and female reader (finished:D)Where stories live. Discover now