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When the sun started to rise the silence was broken by shouts telling everyone to get up and get dressed someone was coming.

 The girl lets out a long sigh before hopping back onto the window ledge and swinging back into the room "good morning y/n!" The male greets her

 "Get dressed y/n" rose states as she sticks her head in the small room y/n rolls her eyes but goes to her small dresser.

She throws on a regular sized f/c sweatshirt and a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, brushing her short wavy hair quickly sliding her mask back on my face properly as she then proceeded to walk out of the building for she had an hour before they came so she headed to the forest to hang out, with her old worn put stuffed bunny clementine Hanging from her hand as she left

No one's pov-

as they arrived at the brown worn out building that was the orphanage the youngest mumbled to the older "as long as its not a woman ill be fine". They knew techno didn't like kids like these but figured it would help to get his mind off of it.

Philza's pov-

 I chuckle at Tommy's comment, before opening the car door as we head into the worn out building and are led to a white room with chairs stuff animals and toys we wait a couple minutes when the door opens revealing 2 children with dark brown eyes short wavy brown hair one wearing a f/c sweatshirt and the other wearing a yellow v-neck they seem to be siblings.

y/n pov-

I walk into the room, sighing knowing how this would go. "Kids introduce yourselves to the nice people I will be back in a few minutes" rose states her voice laced with sour sweetness.

No one's pov-

The older sibling waves happily at the group, " hi there I'm Wilbur I'm and this is my younger sibling y/n!"
The girl gives a small wave.

The man sitting next to the you get blonde speaks up
 "its nice to meet you y/n and Wilbur! I'm Phil this is Tommy" he says pointing at a boy with blonde hair then points at a man with a pig mask and long pink hair.

 "and that's Technoblade. how old are you two?" Phil questions "y/n is 13 and I'm 18"
The older sibling chats with the two blondes but the younger heads over to the pink haired man sitting away from the rest of the group.


I will be uploading 2 more times today and this is unedited so if theres any errors plz let me know have a great day:)

update it is now edited


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