bunch of drama

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 it was quiet for the next week i still refused to let anyone touch the wound so it hasnt healed and still hurt like hell i was getting bullied at school too but i hid it from other people i got used to their insults the simple your fat or your ugly comment but today they went too fucking far.


we were at recess hanging out on the playground me ranboo niki and the other person whos name i forgot which is one of the many things i have forgotten was out sick. i laughed as ranboo told me to get down from where i was hanging upside down due to a dare from drista it hurt like hell to keep in the position. i looked behind them to see the people who bullied me walk up behind them.

they looked at me and the boy in the front spoke up "hows it going freak?" i rolled my eyes and back flipped off the bar landing on the ground and try my hardest not to gasp in pain, i looked at them and turned back to ran and drista. 

"you know we could beat you up right now freak so stop ignoring us and talking to your friends!" i continue to ignore them as ran and drista bug me about why there bothering us what they say next makes me snap.

"YOUR FRIENDS ARE FREAKS JUST LIKE YOU!" my eyes snap open you could see them glowing red from underneath the mask as a wicked smile appeared on my face if you saw me from anyone else eyes you would see the outlines of wolf ears and a tail in red.

i turn around my hands in tight fists "what did you just say?" i growled at them slowly stepping towards them "you want a fight? huh?! well then lets fight!" he walked forward trying his best to hide the fear in his eyes. 

"your going down freak" he stated as he raised his fists and i raised mine throwing a left hook so fast he couldnt dodge, he spat out some blood  "ohoho your gonna pay for that freak!" he threw a punch at me i stood my ground and blocked him and he swung his other fist breaking my nose with a sickening crack.

i tackled him to the ground punching his face no one an di mean NO ONE MESSES WITH MY FRIENDS i kept on punching him till a teacher pulled me off and someone shouted "CALL A AMBULANCE" i couldnt see anything though i was blinded by rage the last thing i remembered before i passed out was the blood seeping through my shirt the scab breaking from the amount of movement and then teacher yelling at me.

when i woke up doctors were rushing around  me shouting things i sat up disconnecting the things they had connected to me i didnt like doctors. my eyes went wide i instinctly pulled my mask back on and threw my arms over it before i passed out again. 

when i woke up my mask was still on there was a tube connected to my nose and arms i was in some sort of hospital gown and there were bandages in multiple places on me.

i bolt up pulling the tubes out of me and frantically search for clementine, spotting her in ranboos arms i then notice everyone else in the room phil, ranboo, techno, wilbur, drista, tommy, bbh, eret and...dream.  WTH IS DREAM DOING HERE! i hopped off the bed struggling to stand for a couple of seconds before finally regaining my self and being able to walk i instinctly go towards the group of 5 phil, techno, ranboo, tommy, and wilbur.

i sit down in the middle of them suddenly feeling tired as i snuggle into technos and wilburs sides, falling asleep to the flatline of the heart monitor that i was no longer connected to as a doctor came bursting through the door. 

when i woke up again i was laying against ranboo and phil techno wilbur and the rest had gone somewhere most likely the cafeteria i noticed they had hooked me up to the heart monitor again, and the other tubes but didnt bother to move me which im thankful for i also see i have clementine in my arms i get up and stretch taking off the tubes again i didnt like needles or doctors.

when the heart monitor went off phil and ranboo bolted up right looking around confused i just stared at them through my mask an uncomfortable feeling on the top of my head "holy- y/n whats on your head" i laughed slightly making my chest hurt note to self dont laugh "wh-wh-wha-" it hurt to speak too. 

i swallowed and spoke up "wha-what do y-you me-mean?" ranboo stood up and walked towards me placing his hand on something on my head i automatically growled when he touched me and almost bit him as i stumbled back.

thats when i saw myself in the mirror and i realized what he was talking about.

a/n: sorry for not posting for awhile anyways heres your chapter and remember im proud of you and your valid have a nice day/night!

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