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  The plane ticket in my coat pocket felt like it weighed a ton, as I sit beside Vinny.

After the mission we grouped back up at the car. I finally met the infamous Gio. He was some hotshot hacker who's been working for the Valentino's since he was nineteen.

We were now sitting in a milkshake shoppe going over our unsuccessful mission.

"Marino was supposed to be at the club. He is a regular there every fucking Friday." Vincenzo spits out his words like venom.

His usual tidy thick black hair was messy from him running his hand through it. And also from me pulling it earlier.....

"I know, fratello. I'm thinking father had a squealer inform him we were coming." Lorenzo says with just as much venom in his voice like Vincenzo's.

The table quiets down when the waitress comes over. "Here are your milkshakes, lads." She giggles seductively, ignoring my presence.

She leans down more than she needed to, to pass out the milkshakes.

Gio winks her way, making her bubblegum colored lips pucker.

There was no denying that Gio was a fine looking man. Her chestnut hair had the sexy kind of bed head style. Like Lorenzo and Vinny, he was defined through his face and body.

He was on the shorter side, just about two inches taller than my 5'5 height.

The waitress sets my birthday cake flavored milkshake down in front of me, a little too aggressively for my liking.

"Can I get you anything else?" She tucks a piece of her brown curly locks behind her ear.

"Yeah, your number, love." Gio once again winks making her act flirty even more.

I think I just gaged a little.

"No. Go away." Vincenzo cuts off their back in forth with a scowl.

Gio huffs as the pretty waitress walks away. "You're such a cock-blocker, Vinz."

"Hmmm." Is all Gio gets in return as we go back to talking about a possible rat.

"Who do you think the snitch is?" I speak for the first time.

Vinny sighs, rubbing his temple making me frown. "I don't know, but death is a nice punishment for them when we do find them."

"It could be anyone." Gio says with a poker face. His eyes land on me, looking deep in thought.

I choke on my milkshake knowing what the prick is thinking. "It's not me, asshole."

He shrugs, raising an eyebrow. "I never said it was, Francesca. Are you guilty about something?"

I sputter in disbelief. "Fuck you."

Gio rolls his eyes with pursed lips. "You are acting a little too offended. And you have been quiet until we brought up the idea of a having a rat in this crime family...."

"So what?" I growl out, not liking the way he's taking to me. Where the fuck did these accusations come from?

"I'm fucking pissed because your accusing for something very big, jackass. You don't even know me enough to judge me." I stop looking at Lorenzo and Vincenzo watching the scene out.

"Know of you know me that well enough to accuse me." My anger was seeping through my usual calm state.

"Well you used to work for Gianni." Gio keeps going after me with verbal attacks. "Aren't you mad Vincenzo killed him, the man who took you in and gave you job when your parents died?"

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