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      Waking up in the arms of Vincenzo Valentino is a feeling I never want to forget.

Feeling warm and secure in his tight embrace, even while he's in a deep sleep gives me butterflies.

I twist around in his arms so my face is pressed against his warm neck. He smells of cinnamon and cedar wood my eyes can't help but flutter close, basking in my man.

My lips press against the pulse against his neck. His heart beats are slow and steadily in tune with deep sleeping breaths.

I can't help but pepper his neck with a light kisses. This mushy love stuff isn't something I
pictured myself ever doing.

Definitely not with a man like Vincenzo.

I use to cringe as couple would show public affection towards one another. In fact, I would go as far as to gag in their faces.

The thought makes me chuckle now. I doubt I will ever protest when Vinny gives me any affection.

"amore, go back to sleep." He mumbles softly with his eyes closed. His gruff morning voice makes my thigh clench.

"No." I whisper against his neck, eyeing the goosebumps that form on his skin.

He doesn't reply even though I know he's still awake. We'll see for how long, though. A smirk on my lips grows bigger and bigger by the second as ideas pop into my beautiful mind.

I trail my finger lightly down his bare chest. Tracing a large tattoo of a tiger in the middle of his stomach. I wiggle out of his weak grasp and sit up on my knees.

My eyes dart up to his half-asleep face before running my tongue across his sculpted abs.

"France..." He grumbles like he's irritated. I can tell there is a playful bite to his tone though. Over the last few months I finally am able to read him like a book.

I wouldn't dare tell him that though. I don't want to bruise his big fat ego.

"Come on, Vinny. Don't you want to play with me?" I lean over, licking the skin beside his ear.

His hands grab my hips and sits my naked body right on his naked hips.


I can feel his cock twitch underneath my burning core. This is not fair.

Vincenzo slowly opens his eyes to amusingly look at me. "You shouldn't play with fire." He mumbles, gently lifting my hips up so that he is at my entrance.

"You're bound to get burned." He says even softer this time making me strain my ears before he slams me down on his shaft.

I scream in pleasure, throwing my head back in ecstasy. The soreness from last night's sexual activities mixed with pleasure makes my head all fuzzy.

I'm sure I look like a hot mess on top of him. My bed hair is a bird's nest, my makeup is probably smudged, the angle he has to look up at me is bad, but Vincenzo doesn't hesitate to worship my body.

"You're so beautiful, Francesca." He moans out not missing a beat.

His thrusts become sloppy and his hands grip the flesh of my thighs tighter telling me he's about to cum.

Taking over, I slam my hips as he thrusts up over and over until I can feel every inch of him inside me.

Moaning out, I clench around his cock and have the best goddamn orgasm of my life.

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