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Francesca POV

He's fucking alive. Vincenzo stands at the doorstep with a small smile, his arms opening to invite me in a hug.

"Amore," he whispers ever so softly.

At this point, hot tears run down cheeks like a leaking faucet that is broken.

I pull him in as close as I can with a six month baby bump. His warmth and mouthwatering cedar scent has been the missing piece in my heart.

His large hands rub comfortably against the small of my back, his lips pressed against my ear.

I suddenly pull away from him as realization hits me.

He's been alive this whole time.

For five months I grieved him. I cried for him.

It may be the pregnancy hormones but anger consumes me. I hold in my breath and launch a powerful punch straight for his jaw.

The pain in my knuckles is nothing compared to the emotional pain I went through when he was gone.

"Ouch." He hisses, rubbing his sharp jawline.

"You fucker." I scream, my palms rapidly hit him against his solid chest. Not as hard as the punch but enough to get my point across. "Where the fuck were you? I swear to God, I will never forgive you for this."

How could he do this to me?

I thought I would have to raise children without their father. Why show up now?

"Francesca." He warns, grabbing the hands that are assaulting him. "It was too dangerous to reveal that I was alive. Many people were going to commit acts of revenge for the death of Marino, amore. I did this to protect you and my child."

To protect us!?

"I could have still be perfectly safe while by your side. I'm not a delicate fucking flower, Vincenzo. And I'm having twins, asshole. Not just a child. You would know that if you were around!" I'm fully worked up. Anger has been locked up inside of me for a while. It's about time it's released.

"We're having twins?" He grins, staring right at my stomach.

"Bloody fucking hell." I throw my hands up. Is that all he comprehended from my short spat of fire? 

"Francesca, I love you so much." His dark grey eyes soften, his arms pull me back to him. My face buried in his chest while his chin rests on the top of my head.

"I'm sorry, amore. I just couldn't risk the life of your or my babies." He kisses the crown of my head before continuing. "A friend of yours and I took down every fucking person on their way to harm you."

I sigh, my eyebrows scrunch up in confusion.


"Tommi Drake." 

Ah, the fake bartender. After all my missions that were made by Gianni, Tommi would whip up a margarita for me. He only bartended when I had a mission, it was a lookout to make sure I was safe.

I'm glad to see he's still alive.

I nod signaling Vincenzo to continue. "He saved me before Marino's house blew up. After I healed, Tommi and I set out to spoil the plans of revenge seekers."

Vincenzo takes his time catching me up on all I missed. He told me everything. Even parts that surprised me like him losing his memory. He patiently answers all of my questions too.

"You motherfucker." A shout is heard before Lorenzo runs to us.

"I thought you died, jackass." Ria cries, running from the kitchen with a smoothie in her hands.

I look at Vincenzo, biting back a grin threatening to form on my lips. "Looks like you have some catching up to do. I'm going to take a warm bath."

Vincenzo nods and lets go of me, not before pulling me into a heart-filled kiss though.

After I take a bath, I change into a fluffy robe Ria gifted me a few weeks ago. I grab a brush from the bathroom counter and sit in the bed.

As soon as I'm done brushing out my hair, Vincenzo walks in looking more than exhausted.

"Ciao, amore." A grin immediately sets aflame on his handsome features.

I pat the bed beside me, giggling at the fact that Vincenzo practically throws himself.

"I missed you." I whimper as he crushes his lips against me.

"Likewise, amore." He gently grabs me, pulling me on top of his thighs. Even with the extra pregnancy weight, he's still able to pick me up.

"I need you, Vinny." I moan, feeling him harden beneath me. My hands make work at undoing his belt buckle.

It's been so long since I've had him inside of me. I craved him all the time when he wasn't around.

"Fuck, are you sure?" He grunts as I attack his neck with kisses.

I should hit him again for asking me such a stupid question.

"Of course I am." I pull out his cock and open up my robe. "Now fuck me, damnit."

He chuckles, his eyes tracing every inch of my skin with hunger. "As you wish."

He flips us so I'm comfortably on my back, his body hovering over mine.

I moan as he slowly enters me, making me feel every single inch of his cock. Once he's all the way in, he stays still for a few teasingly long seconds before slowly pulling half way out.

"Vincenzo," I moan loudly, as he repeats his actions. The way he moves is far from just a fucking.

He's making sweet love to me.

His teeth lightly nip at my collarbone as his hands dig into the flesh of my thighs. He starts to pick up the speed, his one hand moving to play with my clit.

"You're so stunning, Francesca." His deep voice laced with sexual pleasure rasps out.

The sound of our sex and our own voices of pleasure fills up the room.

His finger circles my clit slowly, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves. The fullness I feel with him inside me has me on the brink of an orgasm.

"I....l-love you..." I scream in pleasure as he pinches my clit. My eyes roll to the back of my head as he continues to pound into me.

My walls clench against his cock, soon causing him to twitch inside of me, his arousal coating the inside of me.

"I love you too, Francesca." He whispers out of breath. He pulls out of me with a groan before collapsing beside me.

"I love you so much." He says again, pulling me into his arms. His hand rests on my belly causing slight movement to happen.

The biggest smile I've ever seen him make morphs as our babies kick for him.

He shrinks down to kiss my stomach before kissing me on the lips. I fall asleep happier than I've felt ever before.

A/N- Hope you enjoyed the final chapter! (EPILOGUE WILL BE POSTED SOON!)

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