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I can't die like this. I refuse to die by the same hand of the guy who killed my parents.

The gravel outside the gate was piercing my knees, the tiny sharp rocks leaving dents in my bare skin.

The pain in my knees were an unpleasant way of distracting the pain in my side. I need to get this bullet out soon or it might kill me.

It seemed like the world just wanted me to die. I'm trapped in a corner like a stray dog as some men try to wipe me of the face of the earth.

The bald man closet to the gate held up a gun, ready to fire when his eyes catch first sight of me.

My hands weave through the metal gate's end. The engravings cuts of swirls and flowers were inscribed on the gate, giving me easy access to stick my fingers through.

My eyes travel to a very familiar large animals, prowling with his eyes on the man furthest away.

"Maverick." I whisper gently, happy to see that big cat make it out alive.

I focus back on the bald guy, waiting for him to take one step closer. I grip the scalding hot gate with all my might, digging my roughed up heels in the rocks to stay put.

It all happened in slow motion, the baldy takes was a few feet away from shooting me. Right when he's about to take another fucking step, I push the gate with a loud grunt. The heavy metal swings with speed, smacking him right in the head.

He drops to the floor, completely knocked the fuck out.

I'm about to do a little dance to celebrate, but the bullet hole in my side starts to sting. Groaning, I press my shirt harder into the wound.

I peer around to make sure no more men are waiting for me to come out. The screaming of a grown ass man just makes me chuckle.

Maverick was currently ripping his skin to shreds.

I stand on my shaky legs, pushing through all the pain and metal wounds threading to put a stop to me moving on.

I need to find the others.

I grab the available gun on the ground. Must have been the bald guy's.

My fingers brush against the metal-clad to find the barrel. I count the bullets under my breath as Maverick comes trotting my way.

"Sweetie, where is our family?" I coo, reaching down to stroke his soft fur. He purrs, roughly jerking his head to the left.

I pat my thigh making him stand on his hind legs, I kiss his head softly, patting his back. "Let's go, Maverick."

With a soft growl, he runs towards the house with me following behind him. I struggle to keep up with the pain throbbing in my side, but I need to keep going if I want to save them.

My feet touch the cold tile of the estate. It was strangely quiet for there being a gunfire and smoke bombs attack.

Maverick keeps going, he backs his ears every now and then, letting out a ferocious growl.

I freeze when my ears pick up the sound of footsteps coming from upstairs. Maverick seems to hear them too because he runs up the stairs, jumping over a few at a time.

I on the other hand wasn't so agile. Each step was pure torture. Tears pricked at my eyes threading to fall. Sweat beaded on my forehead from the pain.

A loud thump shook the whole estate. It came from upstairs.

With one hand clutching the stair rail until my knuckles turnt white and the other pressed into my wound, I attempt to quickly find the source of the obnoxious sound.

On the last step up the stairs I was completely out of breath. The grip of the gun was peeling my skin from holding it too damn tight.

Taking a deep breath to control my breathing, I perch myself against the wall, listing for anymore movement.

My foot reluctantly steps forward only to be tackled down the stairs. With a loud scream leaving my mouth, I descend downward with some heavy bastard on top of me.

My head bangs on the ending rail making me dizzy, but I push the big guy off of me, pinning him down on the ground.

My abdomen was practically screaming from pain, however I won't let some wound stop my hustle.

"Topolina?" His gruff voice calls out making me go rigid.

I recognize that voice.

"Lorenzo?" I huff, pushing myself off of him. "Bloody hell, man!"

"Sorry." He says softly, his eyes searching over my body. "You're hurt?" He states more than asks.

I nod, knowing there was no point in lying. After the fall my gun left my possession and the shirt to slow down the bleeding got lost.

My wound was now on full display. I wince as I stand, he immediately wraps his hand around my waist to assist me.

"I'm fine."

"Shhh." He hushes me. I give him a deadpanned look before ascending up the stupid stairs again.

"Have you seen the others?"

He pauses mid-step to look back at me with a frown. "No, have you?"

I shake my head grimly, beckoning him to start walking again. I hope my family was alright. Vincenzo was the one person who stood out among the rest.

I hope he is alright.

I grab my gun from the top step of the stairs and prepare to turn the corner with Lorenzo by my side.


I nod before I hear him whisper, "One, two, three."

I whip my gun around to the left hallway while he was aimed at the right side. Back to back, we walk towards the right, as a loud bang was directed that way.

I grip the doorknob harshly as I hear ear-shrilling screams. Taking a deep breath in, I push the door open only to let out a bark of laughter.

Maverick was on top of a Russian, ripping his skin to shreds.

"Good boy." Lorenzo joins my laughter as we watch the large cat eat someone.

A shiver runs down my spine as my eyes spot a window. The window was pushed up, letting the hot air breeze in. Even though it was hot, I couldn't help but feel cold.

Lorenzo seems to be on the same track as he walks past Maverick to the window. I continue to watch Maverick finish his meal, but let out a scream when I see a closet door slam open.

I rush over but I'm too late. The man kicked Lorenzo's back, causing him to fall out the window. I scream, aiming my gun and pulling the trigger, but something hard hits the back of my head, causing my whole world to go dark.

 I scream, aiming my gun and pulling the trigger, but something hard hits the back of  my head, causing my whole world to go dark

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