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(Play the music, you'll see why later;)

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(Play the music, you'll see why later;)


  I wake up in a cold, dark room that smells of mold and blood.

The side of my head throbs with each heartbeat my plundering heart gives off.

Fucking Vincenzo.

Thick pieces of rope hold me down to a shabby wooden hair.

I could already feel my raw writs scratching against the hard sailing rope.

I lick my dry lips before slumping in the shabby chair.

Fucking Vincenzo!

"UNTIE ME YOU HOT ITALIAN PRICK!" I yell on the top of my lungs hoping for a agreement to let me go.

But I get nada in return.

I could no longer feel the cold metal of my knife against my thigh.

They took my favorite knife!?

I let out a vicious growl before giving another hard tug against the rope.

After a few minutes I give up.

The rope was too damn think and my wrists are probably bleeding.

Another wave of shivers creep against my skin.

It's so cold.

The fucking penguins are quaking.

"Im walking on sunshine, WHOA!!!" I start shouting out lyrics, starting to feel bored.

"I'm walking on sunshine, whoa
And don't it feel good.
Hey, all right now.
And don't it feel good.
Hey, yea-!"

"Damn woman. Shut up!" I hear a man shout, suddenly throwing open the door.

The lights are flickered on making me squint as my eyes adjust.

My eyes focus on a tall man. "Oh please you're just jealous of my awesome vocals."

He scoffs but a small smirk plays on his lips. "Francesca, hate to break it to you, but your singing sucks ass."

I gasp in mockery, "How dare you!"

He shrugs walking closer to me.

He looked to be a few years younger than Vincenzo. His dyed silver hair was messy on the top and shaved on the sides.

His eyes were a chocolate brown that made his tan skin glow.

"Mio fratello vuole parlare con te." He states, starting to untie me. (My brother wants to talk to you.")

I give him a confused look. He simply raises his scarred eyebrow.

"Are you not worried I might bolt out the door once you untie me?"

Francesca ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now