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The TV is on, blasting the theme music to Pretty Little Liars. Ria sits on my left side with an authentic Italian chocolate bar in her hand.

"Hey could you give me your opinion?" Ria speaks loudly, over the television noise.

"What's up?"

She digs through her jeans' pocket and pulls out her phone.

"Which gal should I take on a date?" She hands me her phone with a smirk.

I laugh as I see it's on a dating page. Two pictures girls were side by side.

One was a blonde haired twenty-six year old with a pink bikini and short shorts on.

The other was a natural red-head wearing a black laced dress that went to her knees and, her hair was in a braid.

"The blonde is named Kailey and she has basically been an escort for people of the mafia." Ria explains, taking a bite of her chocolate.

"The red-head is some random countryside girl named Maple, but I have been talking with her. She is very sweet and has a lovely British accent."

I hum thinking over Aria's options. "Id say you already have more of an eye on Maple, huh?"

Ria sighs, rubbing her temples in slow circles. "Yeah I guess she's the one, but I'm not sure how she will react to the whole "mafia" thing."

I nod in understanding.

"So how long have you two been talking?"

"Since I went to Britain four months ago." I raise my eyebrow and she smugly smirks. "We met at a bar, just after I killed two men."

"Well....." I trail off not knowing what to say. "Good luck on your journey toward love!"

She giggles, throwing away her wrapper, "Thanks Fran."

"Not a problem."

I start walking to my room, but Ria stops me.

"Hold up." She runs towards me with her arms out. I hug her confusingly. "Do you know that you're my first friend?"

I snort, "You are my first BFF too!"

"Wow our lives are kinda' sad."

"Yup." I agree, popping the 'p.'

"Wanna' go with Lorenzo and I to a night club? We have to collect money but we're staying to party after."

"I don't know, R......"

"Pleaseeeeeeee." She begs. "If you don't go Lorenzo will leave me all alone while he fucks some dude."

I can't help but laugh. "Fine."

"Yesss!" She fist pumps the air before grabbing me by the arm. "Let's go pick out something for you to wear."

{} {} {}

A long line awaits from the night club. The neon LED lights shine, giving lights to the streets.

"There is no way I'm waiting in this line!" Ria coughs in disgust when a man in line spills some soda.

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